I really don't want to add to the endless watershed of "tribute" posts that follow an important figure's demise. As far as I'm concerned what really matters is the passing of a significant continuing impact on our lives and blathering on about how we feel about it is just self promotional pandering. In any case Steve Jobs' significance to ...
The dinner party was not at all going as planned. When the doorbell rang that last time, there was a mixed sense of relief and dread; the master detective had arrived. The Captain hastily moved to greet his new best friend. Their small town had been rocked to the core by the sudden brutal murder of Lord Wittlemeyer of ...
picture shamelessly ripped off from their Facebook page / ලැජ්ජ නැතුව මුණුපොතෙන් ඉස්සුවා I missed the first Pecha Kucha. Primarily because I had no idea what in blue blazes it really was. The first event was, to my memory, in the middle of a sudden flurry of semi-famous DJ events with weird names from Europe, the Med.. maybe Narnia? ...
Alyssa recently wrote up a nice something on "advice" you get growing up. This isn't directly related, more of a sidebar, but it's the first thing I remembered on reading that post. It's been going viral for a while on the South Asian interwebs I think. I don't know it's origins to credit. I'm pretty sure something similar must ...
This is a beautiful piece of music from two very beautiful and talented people. Certainly two worth following so you'll keep listening to some wonderful tunes and see some gorgeous artwork, and you won't be surprised when they win a Grammy or an Oscar for animation or something. Asela : facebook.com/aptunes | @Ace1424, Isuri : soundcloud.com/surid | @IsuriD
That silver .45 pointed at him was big, really big. It was big even when it wasn't pointed at him, now it seemed like an artillery barrel. Or maybe it seemed that way because of all the snow in his system. He probably should have waited till he got home to snort the stuff. Being only marginally coherently aware ...
Love, Here I am again, at your door. It's as almost as if I've never left. No matter where I go I always end up here no matter how hard I try. It's like all roads lead to Rome, all rivers fall to the sea, all the birds fly south and my heart always comes back to you. We've ...
standing at the door waiting for epiphanies, for the road ahead. at my crossroads now, rivers to cross, roads to take, changes i must make. unclear futures before me, a blurred and hazy sight i see, like that flutter of wings. seeing monarchs, robins, or hummingbirds? fiery distant flash. monarchs travel, fiery mass, no sense of one, but, never alone. ...