There are no Malavi in the next tub along, the pink one which was the first Nirmali gave me. It was set against the ehala tree, which is about parallel with the croton bush, so the tub is further north than the other one, and to the west. I tried to have lotuses there, but failed as I have noted, ...
I have showed orange and pink roses on the balcony in the last two weeks and I move now to the red ones. The two bushes with red roses also did well in April. The little bush in the little bed against the west wall abutting on the staircase produced two blossoms together, which is unusual, and I show these ...
The yellow bath tub, from the downstairs bathroom at Lakmahal, which I wrote about last week is against the east wall of my little walled garden. At right angles to it, just outside the porch which leads to my drawing room, is the second bath tub which Nirmali gave me during the time of coronavirus, a green one which is ...
Last week I showed the orange roses on the balcony, on three bushes in the first two beds I set up there. In between the two orange bushes in the long bed in the east, there is a small pink one, which has been producing blossom after blossom. I last it in March, just after I had got back from ...
I have not featured recently the four bath tubs in the main garden, for now the fish in them are difficult to take pictures of, given the nets. But this is not so very different from the situation earlier, for those ponds were full of leaves so it was difficult to capture clearly the fish in them. And except for ...
Back now to the balcony, where the roses continue to fascinate. I have been particularly struck this last month by the shifting shades of the bush in the original bed at the south west corner of the balcony, where for years I had flourishing red roses. The current orange bush has lasted for some months now, whereas a couple of ...
It has been over two months since I wrote about the waterfall pond, with its wide range of fish, black and white catfish, red carp though the four fish were of four different shades, from a bright red to one that just had tinges of pink on an essentially white skin, and seven fish that I thought of as Malavi ...
Only the ambarella tree and the mango tree survived of the five plants I put in at the end of 2021, a most welcome Christmas gift. Both of them did well, though as I said I worried for a bit about the ambarella tree when almost all its leaves fell. The mango tree moves more slowly, with spurts about twice ...
Down to earth now, and though there have been no lotus blossoms in the ponds – and it was indeed only the one by the garage that had flowers in profusion, until the time I left for Canada in March – the fish with the exceptions I mentioned in the posts after Canada have done well since the reorganization. In ...
Time now to move down to the main garden, for the ehala tree has begun to blossom. There is not quite the profusion you find in May, which I exulted in last year, both here an on Facebook when I described a wonderful May morning when I exulted in my garden. But there is a start, and I show a ...
After several posts about fish, I get back to flowers, and the lotuses on the balcony. I showed them last on March 9th, shortly before I went to Canada, but I kept in touch and was happy to be told that there had been yet another blossom in the big pond. Janaki sent me a picture of the double-petalled lotus ...
The roof garden was not doing quite as well as the balcony, and certainly it presented nothing like the cornucopia of flowers that I have shown towards the end of last year. But there were several flowers there on the different rose plants in the different beds. There were also roses in the first basin, the one with the temple ...
Despite the losses described in the last few weeks, there have been some positive developments as far as the fish are concerned. On the balcony, the two tanks under the seats now present a host of colours and shapes. The one on the south had lots of tiger barbs put there some months back, but for a long time they ...
As I mentioned last week, more of the plants on the balcony have been in blossom since I got back a week and a half ago. The orange rose bush in the original bed had tiny buds then but they blossomed over the week, and I start with a picture of two very elegant buds there. That picture was taken ...
I fear my hopes last week were dashed, for when I got back from Canada it was to find only five fish in the upright tank. But it turned out that only one had died, for Kavi had rescued the other, the Silver Dollar, and put him in the waterfall pond. I have not however seen him since my return, ...
There were lots of roses on the balcony when I got back from Canada last week, to my surprise for I gathered there had been a drought, with blazing sunshine. But the day before I returned it had rained, and there has been intermittent rain since, while I suppose the plants were well watered while I was away. Most delightful ...
After the horrors of the period around Christmas, when so many fish died, I waited awhile before trying to build up the tanks again. And when I finally did so, there were more deaths, sometimes of the new fish, and in the case of the upright tank of three of the older ones. For a long time that had had ...
Back after six weeks to the roof garden, where the roses have not been in quite such fine fettle as they were at the beginning of the year. But they were still satisfying, though it was more a matter of single blossoms than the profusion I have shown recently. The exception was the pot on the north east corner which ...
From the lotuses up on the balcony I move to those down below, which have also done splendidly. Not those in the garden, where several plants I put in only displayed the flowers I had brought along, or at most produced a couple more blossoms; but the new pond by the garage. I suppose I should not be upset by ...
I showed last week three of the rose plants I acquired last month, one on the balcony and two in one of the new beds in the garden. The fourth plant was placed in the bed Ranji had created on his own when the workmen were tidying up after the new building was almost finished. It looked so good that ...