Continuing my adventures into the Android domain, I wanted to have a Bluetooth connection between two nodes, going indefinitely, until one node sends a termination signal. Between the time of initializing the connection, and termination, the two nodes may exchange messages at random intervals.Now, the Bluetooth chat example provided in is very helpful. I did use some of the code, ...
Oranges are awesome. They're tangy, sweet, packed with vitamin C, and ah yes not that expensive :) Also Oranges dont go bad soon. Which is why I bought a whole 2kg bag of yummy Oranges the other day.So today, I decided to make a juicy Orange cake.There are hundreds of Orange cake recipes on the internet, and I followed this ...
I have been playing around with Android lately, and one thing that annoyed me is the emulator does not support Bluetooth (as opposed to J2ME emulator, which does).So if you do not have an actual Android device (like me), and you want to do Bluetooth/WiFi programming, you run in to a problem.Fortunately, there is a way out - Install the ...
This is a question that many people ask me. And one that I ask myself, in those wee hours of the morning when I am trying to finish writing a paper before a deadline.(I'm sure you're wondering what the Heath Photos ...
It's system malfunction again in our apartment :( This time, its not just our apartment - but the whole block - which amounts to around 100 units.Earlier last week, smoke started coming out of our oven and when we tried switching on the gas stove, the fuses went off with a bang and the sparks wouldn't come. I guess water ...
Writing a paper for a conference is no easy task. I should know - I've been trying to write one for days. On some days its just a few lines. Some days complete writers block. And some days the latex editor ...
Something damn funny happened yesterday...I was at a friend's wedding reception. Bride was Sri Lankan Tamil brought up in India and groom was Anglo Indian - so naturally when they started playing songs I didn't expect any Sinhalese ones. The only Sinhalese there were two others besides myself anyway.So it was bit of a shocker when the baila beats came ...
Overheard while getting baked in the Colombo sun in the Premadasa stadium yesterday, at the match between SL and Pakistan:'Machang this is the last world cup in the world huh''What?? What the f*** do you mean?''No men the world ends in 2012 right, so this is the last world cup before 2012''OMG you're right machang!''Yeah and if we win the ...
Where ever I am rain seems to reign. Australia, Malaysia, Lanka - it's all a big dripping slush.*SighIt does not help that leaky roofs seem to follow me around the globe. The residential advisor dude called me from Melbourne to kindly inform me that ...
Day 03 - Something I have to forgive myself for...Grace Hopper once said that it is often easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission. For all those times I went ahead on gut feeling driven by impulse or pure recklessness without asking permission from myself, knowing perfectly that I'd not give permission to go ahead and say, ...
Today is Day 02, and Day 02 is Something I love about myself.So come with me, where dreams are born, and time is never planned... Just think of happy things, and your heart will fly on wings, forever,in Never Never Land!I'll teach
Sometimes I wonder about my life.I lead a small life - well, valuable, but small - and sometimes I wonder, do I do it because I like it, or because I haven't been brave? So much of what I see reminds me of something I read in ...
What do I hate about myself?I hate that most of my exciting awesome life is lived inside my own head.I hate that I don't have the courage to be emotionally vulnerable.Most of all I hate that
And how! Although I have never actually watched a match live on a stadium before, even in Lanka, there's something awesome in cheering for your team in another country. And the feeling is just super awesome when you actually do win!We bought the tickets
Sometimes life can get you down. No let me rephrase that. Sometimes life can kick you in the gut, break your nose and then throw you into the sea bound and gagged. That is, after stealing all your money, credit cards, and era
Today was a beautiful day. Warm and sunny and just what Spring is supposed to be.I never fully appreciated my perfect Island weather until I came to this Land down under - and to Melbourne the city of freaky weather no less.I suppose you never really do miss things until they are gone :)
I wondered what would be the worth of my words in the worldif i write them and then recite them are they worth being heardjust because i like them does that mean i should mic themand see what might unfurli think of the significance of my opinions hereis it significant to be giving them does anybody carejust because i'm into ...