Basically the points alleged by Seymour Hersch is thatBin Laden was held prisoner by Pakistan Intelligence in Abbottbad CompoundFormer senior Pakistani intelligence officer gave info for much of $25 million rewardUS Navy seals entered Abbottbad Compound and killed Bin LadenThe US Navy Seal team that carried out the raid conveniently died in a helicopter crash a couple weeks later. The ...
Sri Lanka Development Bonds (SLDBs) for LKR 10 billion (USD 81,25 million) were issued at approx 4% at the moment.Why did did Arjunan Mahendran issue 10 billion at 11.75% if there is a huge demand for Bonds even at around 4%.The current issue of bonds were2 year Bonds: USD 30.00 million at 6 month Libor +3.6%3 year Bonds: USD 51.25 ...
So Basil Rajapakse has been remanded. Stealing billions and stashing them in Dubai banks. Not quite.He has been charged witha) Providing LKR 2,500/per family for repairing houses of 14 families .b) Paying Compensation of 1,700/person to 1,067 Samurdhi Officers for voluntary retirement. c) Spending 23 million on Printing Samurdhi Diaries (*).(*) Note Samurdhi Diaries were also printed in 2004 with ...
The whole Arjuna Mahendran Central Bank Fiasco explained very simply.Bottom line one is a minimum of LKR 12.5 billion lost to the country.Bottom Line two, no law has been broken, the beauty of high finance white collar crime.The Numbers:a) 1 billion was needed to roll over expiring bonds.b) Expected Interest Rate was 9.5% c) Instead 10 billion was accepted at ...
Fantastic Article on the History of Finance, Capital and DebtKarl: So when we look over the history of this era and its battle between credit and the ruling elite, the challenge was to maintain land ownership within your community and keep your people there, making sure that they had some share in the benefits of working together. This sort of ...
The World Health Organisation’s cancer agency has declared the world’s most widely used weedkiller (glyphosate) a “probable carcinogen” in a move that will alarm the agrochemical industry and amateur gardeners.The IARC assembled 17 experts to assess five organophosphate pesticides. After meeting for a week this month at IARC headquarters in Lyon, France, the panel decided that two of the chemicals ...
The Asian Infrastructure Development Bank was created by China as an alternative to the World Bank. While Sri Lanka has been busy distancing themselves from China, Europe including U.K. Germany, France and Italy join the Bank.This is a must read, with Sri Lanka mentioned. The interviewer is Sharmini Peries of Real News NetworkExcerpts from Michael Hudson: Europe Tilts East Towards ...
Worst President: JR Jayawardana or Mahinda Rajapakse ?Sereno Anukkranayagam Barr-KumarakulasingheNorth Western Province, Sri LankaDownload a PDF version SummaryFor those who cant be bothered to read long political stuff a two line sound byte.Junius Richard Jayawardana (JR): Creator of the 83 anti-Tamil riots, resulting in virulently anti-Sri Lanka diaspora segment. Builder of a megalomaniacal Capital and Parliament in Sri Jayawardanapura. ...
Sri Lankans donated LKR 910 lakhs (USD 0.7m) to the Clinton Foundation.Note these would be Sri Lankan nationals, not US Citizens of Sri Lankan Origin.Wonder who did the donating and what they got back in return. Ukranians donated USD 10.0m Please note this is not corrupt buying of favors.Its all perfectly legal.And thats the beauty of the west, corruption is ...
I am a Sri Lankan and part Tamil. One who did not even bother getting a green card after living and working for 22 years in the US (Student Visa and 3 H1B Visas).Everyone else conveniently has forgotten JR Jayawardena the architect of the 1978 Executive Presidency.I have not forgotten.JR The one who after the 1983 riots said in Daily ...
Article on how bailout debts taken out by Governments can last many centuries. To me another take home message was that these debts become small change with time because of inflation.==============================================LONDON — Share prices went through the roof, speculation ran wild and money poured into ill-fated ventures before the boom turned, inevitably and catastrophically, to bust.After that financial crash in ...
Britain becomes a bigger economy than France with the inclusion of Prostitution and Illegal drugs for GDP calculation. Official estimates show prostitution added about £5.7bn to the UK economy in 2013, while illegal drugs were worth about £6.62bn.Britain spends more on illegal drugs than it does on Beer or Spirits (liquor)Britain spends more on illegal drugs and Prostitution than on ...
So much for fiscal prudence. $4.9 Trillion added by George Bush Presidency. $8 trillion by the Obama Presidency.Total U.S. debt has increased by 70 percent under Obama, from $10.625 trillion on January 21, 2009 to over $18.005 trillion today (Dec 2 2014) Each household in the U.S. now carries the burden of $124,000 in national debt alone - or $56,378 ...
I think this should be essential reading for the gurus who negotiate or issue bonds for the SL govt directly or indirectly. e.g. The Petroleum Corp, oil price hedge fiasco.How Russia outmanoeuvred the west in Ukrainian finance by John Dizard“F*** the EU!” Victoria Nuland, US assistant secretary of state, commenting on Ukrainian policy on her mobile phone, as recorded and ...
Palmyra (තල්) as an Elephant Deterrent Mr. S. M. A. Azeez is former Deputy Director of Agriculture. He has been promoting the use of Palmyra trees as an Elephant deterrent for many years. You can contact Mr. Azeez at 077-348-7114 for further details on how the trees should be planted etc.Photos are of the model plantation with Palmyra as an Elephant Deterrent.
Liberia and Ebola is in the News. A Rubber Farm (Estate for us Sri Lankans) leased by Firestone is also in the news as one of the few places where Ebola has been stopped from spreading.What the articles dont mention about the Rubber Farm is that it is a million acres (4% of the land in Liberia), and in 2005 ...
Colombo Telegraph has an article claiming that the Navy has grabbed 900 acres from the Wilpattu National Park. It is factually incorrect in so many ways. Excerpts and the proper view.Who writes this rubbish.located along the Northern border of the park Northern Border and 2 km from Eluvamkulama, Really !!.Eluvamkulama is on the southern far for about 2 km ...
A must read article along the lines of Joseph Tainter's Collapse of Complex Societies. Examines the viability and sustainability of increasing complex societies. Is “doing more with less”, i.e. is ever increasing productivity sustainable.One should also think of increasingly complex Finance and Financial Instruments, and increased instability of finance and economies (kind of touched here) when reading the article. Its ...
Reserve Bank of India Governor Raghuram Rajan says another economic crash is probably in the books. Dont dismiss him as just the RB India Governor. Raghuram Rajan is also a Professor of Finance at University of Chicago and one time chief Economist at IMF.I personally keep track of Raghuram Rajan and Satyajit Das, both great names in the Finance world ...
Some interesting facts on US involvement with the Ebola Virus.#20 Researchers from Tulane University have been active for several years in the very same areas where this Ebola outbreak began. One of the stated purposes of this research was to study "the future use of fever-viruses as bioweapons".#21 According to the Ministry of Health and Sanitation in Sierra Leone, researchers ...