Bin Laden: Assasinated or Murdered

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LKR 10 Billion Development Bonds Issued at around 4%

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Basil Rajapakse remanded: Stealing billions and stashing them in Dubai banks

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Arjunan Mahendran and Central Bank Loss Costs LKR 12.5 Billion

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History of Finance, Capital and Debt

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Roundup (glyphosate ) linked to cancer

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Asian Infrastructure Development Bank: U.K. Germany, France and Italy Join Bank

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Worst President: JR Jayawardana or Mahinda Rajapakse ?

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Clinton Foundation Donations over 50K: Sri Lanka 0.7m, Ukraine 10.0m

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Who was worse JR or MR

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Generational Debt: That Debt From 1720? Britain’s Payment Is Coming

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Prostitution and Illegal Drugs give UK GDP a boost.

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US Debt: $18 Trillion; U.S. Debt/GDP ratio over 300%

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How Russia outmanoeuvred the west in Ukrainian finance

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Using Palmyra (තල්) as an Elephant Deterrent

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Liberia, Ebola, Firestone and a Rubber Farm

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False: Illegal Land Grabs By Sri Lanka Navy Destroys Wilpattu National Park

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Sustainability of Increasingly Complex Societies

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Another Economic Crash: Reserve Bank of India Governor Raghuram Rajan

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US involvement with Ebola Virus

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