Source: www.hiwtc.comThe grain of wheat is a seed with a structure similar to that of the rice grain. The outer coverings, pericarp and testa, are hard, fibrous and indigestible. Beneath them is the aleurone layer, which is rich in B complex vitamins and proteins. These outer layers form about 12% of the grain.The distribution of ...
Since the late 1940’s, many studies have recognized goitre as an endemic in Sri Lanka. A goitre belt was established in the Southwest region that extended over the Western, Sabaragamuwa, Central, Southern Provinces and part of the Uva Province; consisting the wet zone of the country. Several preventative measures had been undertaken to overcome the goitre endemic. However in 1986, ...
Nutrition Department , of Medical Research Institute, Colombo in collaboration with UNICEF, launched "The Nutrition Bulletin of Sri Lanka".By this quarterly publication we will be providing information about principle nutrition indicators, facts, new knowledge and events to all. The target audience will be medical professionals, policy makers , undergraduate and post-graduate students and anyone who is interested on nutrition ...
Source: Soya has been an all time favorite food across the globe for decades. Composition of soya: Protein (g): 51.5%Carbohydrate (g): 33.9%Total Lipid (g): 1.2%Total dietary fibre (g): 17 High in soluble fibre.Soya bean is not consumed in the raw state and processing helps to destroy the anti-nutritive substances, e.g. trypsin inhibitors and improve the nutritive ...
World Osteoporosis day is due on 20th of October, this fact sheet is meant to commemorate this event, Osteoporosis means loss of bone materials and weakening of its structure causing fractures. The disease is commonly seen in older women and men. In addition to fractures, osteoporosis leads to bending of spine resulting backache, gradual shortening of standing height and ...
please refer the 1st part of this article first Micronutrient (vitamin and mineral) Deficiencies Sri Lanka has three major micronutrient deficiencies that have been identified as public health problems, namely, iron, Vitamin A and iodine. The prevalence of anaemia among children under five years, primary schoolchildren, adolescents, adult females and pregnant women are 29.9%, 20
TRY THIS QUIZ…………HOW HEALTHY ARE YOUR EATING HABITS?Put a tick to every statement that you can honestly agree with and see how you measure up. 1. I eat at least five portions of fruits and vegetables a day (One portion should be around 80g or 3 tablespoons full cooked vegetables or green leaves)2. When I snack I generally stick to ...
Breast milk is enough for the first 6 months for your baby.How long do you breastfeed your baby? Exclusive breastfeeding during first 6 months keeps your baby healthy..........