Why are some feminists angry than other feminists?There's a certain level of man-hating that occurs in the feminist community, that I'm not sure whether it's an evolutionary tactic to get more attention or just a way of alienating men to the cause. And it's not just anger, there're some extremely negative tantrum throwing, revenge-seeking, guilt-provoking behavior that puts me off ...
When I meant aerial photography, what I really meant was I took some photos on a plane during a trip from Portland to Houston. The cameras on mobile phones these days are comparable to what you would get if you would shoot with a kit lens of DSLR, so the photos aren't actually bad. In fact, I'm quite amazed at ...
If you haven't seen the recent TEDtalk by Jason McCue on "Terrorism as a brand", go see it now. It's a talk on how to beat terrorists at their own game. If you've been following world news you'd know by now that invading sovereign nations or using cowardly drone attacks are probably not the best way to do stop terrorism. ...
The more I read evolutionary psychology, the more I hate The Game.Not women in general, nor men for that matter, but people who play the game.Which obviously includes myself sometimes.The Game, quite often misunderstood, is not limited to getting laid.It's found in Politics, in Entertainment, Science and in every level of society.Even in those that condemn it like counter-culture.Listening to ...
1.) Finishing my PhD!2.) Getting a real ass job with an acceptable income.3.) 2-bedroom apartment or a House! Not to mention a new car. And maybe a husky.4.) Possibly moving to the West Coast. Which may or may not involve a cross-country road trip.5.) Initiating some seriously sustainable community service projects without financial aid.6.) Jenna-Louise Coleman - the Doctor's new ...
A few days ago Bill Gates did an AMA on Reddit.He casually mentioned about wanting to live forever.He's not the only smart person to foresee humanity's transition into a deathless state.Ray Kurzweil, the father Singularity and the Director of Engineering at Google also craves Immortality.I have a question though.If our bodies live forever are we really immortal?Am I the same ...
Chivalry is benevolent sexism. In fact, the root of all misogyny is Chivalry. I've heard women rant countless times that they need a guy who believes in gender equality but is also chivalrous. To me this sounds more or less like feudal-age peasants seeking a master (yes, Sri Lanka you know who I'm talking about); those who hope for "benevolent ...
Watching science enrich our lives is still one thing I like about living in the 21st century. As technology will continue to change our lives, so will our self-deceptive morality. Yes, I did link to David Livingstone Smith's webpage; I'm currently reading his book on "Why We Lie", where he uses evolutionary psychology to persuade the reader that our sense ...
I feel like this is least talked about and underrated technology out there.Ever wanted to wirelessly broadcast a video from your PC to your TV? How about a web-browser window or a powerpoint presentation or netflix, or youtube or any goddamn application that you can run on your PC? How about your entire desktop, reproduced with HD clarity, 5.1 surround ...
I'm pretty psyched about this.I haven't had a proper desktop for nearly 5 years now, so I didn't plan on going kosher on this. So without further adieu, let's get on to business.CPU: Intel i7-4770K. This is the flagship 4th generation Intel processor, until the Haswell-E lineup comes to the market. And it is damn fast. The stock speed is ...
A quote that a friend shared on her facebook profileEvery now and then I get reminded why I'm not active on facebook. And this was once such occasion.I tried in the politest possible way to point out to her that not "every" woman would share the same sentiment. Sure there are many independent and successful women. But are they all ...
Have you felt overwhelmed by the 'rat race'?Are you tired of playing games?Do you always want what your friends are having?Then you my friend are a typical snob.We are connected more than ever in the history of mankind.Facebook, email, twitter and flickr, bombards us with the lives of others.And more to the point, what we are missing out on.We know ...
Photocredit: abrinskyIn the beginning, man thought the mind and body were separate from each other. Religion and philosophies based on a "soul" or a metaphysical substance that goes beyond rules of day-to-day life was embraced, partly due to the grandeur of having a spiritual existence, partly due to our egoistical and narcissistic notion that humans are somehow different from nature. ...
That's how you'll feel if you read the book "Thinking Fast and Thinking Slow" by the Nobel Prize winning economist Daniel Kahneman. The book is a lengthy, self-conscious and a challenging read but highly recommended if you're interested in why human beings behave the way they behave. It's given me so much 'oh snap, so that's why we're so dumb' ...
If I can tame the ghosts in my head that wish me dead, I plan to travel around the sun at least seventy three more times. They say that Siddhartha attained nirvana at 27. I don't think I'm even close, but I have learned a few things on the way.Humans have more things in common with each other than they ...
As a much needed company outing, we went out and watched Ender's Game in one of those fancy lounge cinema places where you can order drinks and food and can also sit comfortably in a rather extravagantly decorated room with couches/loveseats etc. Surprisingly the film that we watched was pretty good too. Ender's Game, a film based on the 1985 ...
Last weekend I went to see the Hoyt with Theresa. She was eager to give me a lesson in Botany, and I was craving for a morning walk, so we chose the Arboretum in Portland. It seemed like a good place to visit in the fall, although the evergreens and morning sun peaking through the branches are fairly good excuses ...
"Some women are not comfortable working at the pace and intensity you have to work at in these jobs ... Other women don't break a sweat. They have four or five, six kids. They're highly organized, they have very supportive networks.""I can't stand the kind of paralysis that some people fall into because they're not happy with the choices they've ...
The summer in Pittsburgh is highly underrated. This post is intended to fix that. Note: Please do not steal my pictures. It's not nice. If you ask nicely, I'll probably give you a high-res version.
Blatant disobeying of rules.I came across this while visiting Crystal Spring's Rhododendron garden the other day. Looks like someone thoroughly enjoys breaking the rules. Btw, if you're planning to visit the garden: don't. It's a unkept mess with no flowers what-so-ever. The people at the front gate charge you $4 for entrance without warning you of the parks condition. If ...