I was among many others who celebrated the possibility of a better car when the taxes were brought down. Sadly, I am now among a handful of people who’ve sold their cars for the same price they bought them (despite a couple of years’ use) and are now pondering what to buy. With all due [...]
So today a friend and I were waiting for a friend to pick us up, when we were approached by two young ladies from a foreign country. They wanted to know how to get some place in a bus, possibly because the three wheeler guys charge too much. Reminded me of reading somewhere that during [...]
So I'm sitting in at Talk Leadership: Colours of Courage (11 June 2010) and Mahela Jayawardene is speaking. Pre-empting the question, he promises to reveal to the audience why he really quit the captaincy. I'm paraphrasing here, so don't sue me: "There were two reasons;