Whatever happens, right now was always the best time of her life. She had come to realize this. No other time in her life would ever be better than right now. She was certain of it. Right now, no matter at what point in time she looked, was the best time ever.So was He. He would always only be the ...
Even if the truth hurts, I would much rather have honesty thrown at me than a deceptive veil of a trail of white lies. White lies, they may be. But they hurt, and aren't really much different from any other lie. It only adds salt to the already sour wound and makes the pain agonizingly worse, an infinite times worse ...
Holding it together when it was perfectly understandable to fall apart. Well, she knew what that was like. She had, over the years, reached a point in her life where holding it together was something she had acquired the skill of executing, to perfection. Well, almost.Right now, she felt nothing like she looked like. Inside, her heart was flustered. Fistful. ...
Hip hop makes me think of the good times, my head bobbing up and down, you 'pimping the base' or whatever it was you called it. Happy and free, not a care for what lay at the end of the long, open road. Whoever thought I would like your music. Haha. In small doses of course. But it made me ...
She had watched her cry once. She remembers her heart aching, wanting to make the pain go away. Tell her that it didn't matter. This thing that was making her sob and was soon, going to change how she would see the world.Why, they had been friends forever. And these moments, would be forgotten. They would all move on.They had ...
The broken chess pieces lay scattered on the kitchen counter, shards strewn across the floor. She didn't care. What had they been anyway? Another symbol of how she was a lone player on one side of the board, set for two. She would sit and stare outside, at the beautiful blue cloudless sky. Pretending to not notice the hands on ...
She gazed at the foams, as the rush of the ferry parting the deep blue sea formed endless mini rainbows in between the spray of the water. She reminds herself not everything can be captured digitally. Somethings have to be enjoyed in the moment and then it is gone, forever a memory etched in to the brain. To her these ...
'Perhaps the ultimate sacrifice is not death, but life,' she thought as she crossed the bridge and walked across the moonlit sky.Having stared for hours, at the glistening water and a full lit sky, she could only remember bits and pieces. Muddles memories of how life had been. How happy she had been. True, there had been moments of imperfections. ...
From The E-Book Shelf Factoring Humanity - Robert J. SawyerA Hugo Award nominee for Best Novel, Factoring Humanity is a science fiction story set inCanada, a couple of years in to the future. This story deals with cool quantum physics theorieslike parallel universes, artificial intelligence and alien messages. But don’t worry; the scienceis just about enough for anyone to be ...
From The E-Book Shelf Factoring Humanity - Robert J. SawyerA Hugo Award nominee for Best Novel, Factoring Humanity is a science fiction story set inCanada, a couple of years in to the future. This story deals with cool quantum physics theorieslike parallel universes, artificial intelligence and alien messages. But don’t worry; the scienceis just about enough for anyone to be ...
“A portrait is not a likeness. The moment an emotion or fact is transformed into a photograph it is no longer a fact but an opinion. There is no such thing as inaccuracy in a photograph. All photographs are accurate. None of them is the truth. ” ~ Richard Avedon"
She gazed at the foams as the rush of the ferry parting the deep blue sea water formed endless mini rainbows in the sprays of the water. She tries to take a picture and reminds herself not everything can be captured digitally. Somethings have to be enjoyed in the moment and then it is gone, forever a memory etched in ...
So, while we await the nerve racking finals tomorrow, I thought this was a wonderful way to pass the time.Google Motion! I just love it.If you haven't already, please do check it out and make sure you WATCH the video that demonstrates the motions to send emails without the use of a keyboard or mouse.http://mail.google.com/mail/help/motion.htmlEnjoy! ...
Over the Fence: Nations Hope: "On Saturday, when Thilan Samaraweera dropped the first catch off of Eoin Morgan, no one probably thought of the famous Waugh-Gibbs exchange...."wow! love the end.