You likely have a pal who constantly has a fantastic variety of wine within their basement. Can you believe it’s time to love and experience the finer points? You’re going for more information about the uses of wine, the best way to find it, and also more, when you study the info here. Keep studying so that one can function ...
Have you got seasonal allergies? Do you fear the allergy season? Fortunately, this informative article gives some sound guidance to you to assist you when it’s peak allergy season with Read on below, and begin benefiting from help. Never attempt a fresh antihistamine from home; the first time must constantly be experienced within the security of your personal home. ...
There are plenty of regimens to obtain your body fit. Below is some fantastic physical fitness ideas to get you started. Setting objectives work as an effective form of inspiration. This helps you to concentrate on beating obstacles instead of becoming overwhelmed by their trouble. Because they will help you to remain on track and inspire you even more ...
The first muscular tissue you have to work out is your brain if you intend to be successful at muscular tissue structure. Discover info concerning building muscular tissues, if you desire outcomes. Take a close browse this article and discover just what tips you could make use of to obtain the body that you desire. You have to ensure ...
In a recent turn of events individuals making hateful and racist comments with regard to Bodu Bala Sena and Anti Muslim sentiments have been republished by another Facebook page, tagging them to their work places, prompting the organizations they work for to take action.
As per request of the spousal unit yours truly was forced to go on a Social Media Detox. The first few days were the toughest as this was not a planned diet of sorts, but more of a cold turkey approach.
Not only does Mili have Big Ideas, these days he seems to Think a Minute as well. I'm referring to my latest pet project, a Facebook page for my daily dose of sarcasm and satire, which is a totally different look on the usual motivational quotes you see.
Effective November 1st, there will be a shuffle of radio frequencies in Sri Lanka. Key differences are that : Radio stations will have a max of 2 frequencies. The gap between stations has been increased to 3Mhz. Only 2 English stations on limited range, Japanese Car Stereos. :( Following is a list of all the frequencies :
Social Media isn't a complicated Science, despite the extremely complicated metrics out there to measure the success of it. I'm against people writing rule books, defining 'this is Social Media' and 'not that' and generally over complicating it. That being said, if there ever was one rule I'd want all those engaging in Social Media to follow, it would be..
In my opinion there isn't enough noise being made by Sri Lankans about this new bill. The main reason is probably due to the lack of information on it, as well the urgency of the government to get it passed, prior to more light being shed on it.
Social media, is nothing new in Sri Lanka, especially since your grandmother and your tuk-tuk driver are on it. Brands have jumped at the opportunity to be with their customers on Social media.
Everybody agrees that brands have to be more friendly and possibly human on Social Media. This means tearing down the high walls that large corporates love to build and open them selves up for lots of criticism. It goes without saying that this is probably the hardest thing to do. There is no sweet taste in this medicine. But "it's good for you", as they say.
Sitting over here in Sri Lanka, I don't notice that many errors in the recently released Apple Maps in iOS 6. However seeing what people are saying around the world, it is a no brainer that the product is flawed, and is not acceptable by Apple's rather high standard of perfection and emphasis on usability.
A certain sect of Muslims (from Beruwala) were seen protesting today. They were on their way to hand over a petition to the American Embassy. Unfortunately this particular protest is more of a political gain for certain ministers, to be seen as the 'true saviours' of their religion and ensure a win, come election time. It is sad that each ...
iOS6 the latest Mobile OS from Apple Inc., has received positive and negative feedback for many of its features. However there have been a few hidden gems in iOS6 that have been over-looked. Thought I'd do justice to them, since they make a world of difference to me.
Be warned of individuals or mushrooming organisations claiming to be Gurus and Experts of Social Media, just like the ancient Medicine Men who travelled around selling various oils. Remember there is no 'Miracle Cure' for all your Social Media problems. Be wise, be prudent.
I was looking for a way to embed tweets for my previous post. I settled for the Twitter Blackbird Pie plugin. Only today did I realize that all I had to do was hit the 'Update Wordpress' button.
Finally rescued the blog with Nazly's help. Misbehaving plug-ins. The good news is that I have come back with a Responsive theme as well. Thanks to a bit googling and the good folks at