This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Real Scientists [<a href="//" target="_blank">View the story "Day 1: Explosions,... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
Note: News events listed below are as they happened on the morning of Thursday, 03 Oct 2012 prior to debates, apologies and anything else really exciting. It takes awhile to think up rhymes. I give students a news quiz each week and today I couldn’t decide whether to post the quiz and some of the odd answers or a poem ...
This is a list of FREELY AVAILABLE basic science primers, courses and videos that science journalists can take to brush up on their beats/niches/topics of interest. NOTE 1: MOOCS = Massive open... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
Ben Marcus – The Age of Wire & String I’m reviewing books for the West Australian. Here is the one from last Tuesday that I only just found an online link for. Buy a copy every... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
“Ten minutes or so,” the guy at the pizza place says. I nod and walk out. And then walk on. Down Canning Highway, towards Freo. I should have known that when I started out to the pizzeria and found out that the girl at number 196 keeps chickens (who by comparison in size to Trouble the cat MUST be over ...
“Ten minutes or so,” the guy at the pizza place says. I nod and walk out. And then walk on. Down Canning Highway, towards Freo. Canning Highway I should have known that when I started out to the pizzeria and found out that the girl at number 196 keeps chickens (who by comparison in size to Trouble the cat ...
At the moment, I occupy a desk chair in Curtin University’s Digital Media Unit. And so a lot of what I get to do is fun. I get to help keep an eye on the social media and come up with pretty... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
I was curator/livetweeter/Twitter wrangler for the recent #ecuwapolchat – an experiment by the political journalism students at Edith Cowan University on interviewing candidates for the upcoming WA State Election (9 March 2013) and on livetweeting. Three out of the five candidates for the Mt Lawley electorate came to speak to us on Monday 4 March 2013 and we livetweeted the ...
Destination: Colombo, Sri Lanka Duration: December 2015 – February 2016 Brief: I have crash landed in Colombo again, this time for two months and I will be taking on a bit of freelancing work as well as some work experience at a news organisation though as yet I am not entirely sure exactly what I will be doing so stay ...
Taking the Mic by Sean Rogers 1 via Flickr Yes, ok, I know it seems odd. and it must have seemed odd when this status popped up on my Facebook profile the other day. Apparently editors can rap. Who knew? *is killing herself laughing* It started with past Society of Editors (WA) President, Robin Bower, who is on the ...
I am really rather excited about the second week of October this year. Why? Well, the week starts on the 6th of October. And at midnight sharp on the 6th of October, I take over the @realscientists... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
Marisa Wikramanayake (@mwikramanayake) tweeted at 7:14 AM on Fri, Jun 28, 2013: The #books I have to review for @thewest_com_au #perth #writetip #writechat #literarykitty [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
If you’re in Perth, take a look at this article I wrote: It’s National Science Week and instead of lectures, Curtin University is doing something different. Curtin is attempting to break a world record and not only do they need participants, they also need stewards to help them carry everything out. Check out the article and give them a ...
Semper vitae vestibulum elementum morbi ut fermentum molestie pellentesque sapien proin in amet ipsum bibendum tellus diam, magna ornare sit tellus iaculis feugiat et id orci sociis mattis massa pharetra ante purus nullam tellus nisl nec. In sit facilisis euismod ullamcorper ipsum morbi ut ornare elit pretium non pulvinar vitae dapibus volutpat risus, tellus diam ornare enim felis arcu dapibus ...
Semper vitae vestibulum elementum morbi ut fermentum molestie pellentesque sapien proin in amet ipsum bibendum tellus diam, magna ornare sit tellus iaculis feugiat et id orci sociis mattis massa pharetra ante purus nullam tellus nisl nec. In sit facilisis euismod ullamcorper ipsum morbi ut ornare elit pretium non pulvinar vitae dapibus volutpat risus, tellus diam ornare enim felis arcu dapibus ...
Semper vitae vestibulum elementum morbi ut fermentum molestie pellentesque sapien proin in amet ipsum bibendum tellus diam, magna ornare sit tellus iaculis feugiat et id orci sociis mattis massa pharetra ante purus nullam tellus nisl nec. In sit facilisis euismod ullamcorper ipsum morbi ut ornare elit pretium non pulvinar vitae dapibus volutpat risus, tellus diam ornare enim felis arcu dapibus ...
So who exactly is Nury Vittachi? Well, apart from being a crime fiction writer and a keynote at the 6th IPEd National Editors’ Conference here in Perth in April 2013, I’ll let him do the talking: Nury Vittachi in a nutshell? A small, bald Asian writer who was born on earth and still spends a fair bit of time there. Yes, ...