ඇයට කුමක් වීද?

Mahasen does blogging

Advocating and Opposing Agile for the wrong reasons

Mahasen does blogging

How’s your agile process working for you?

Mahasen does blogging

The specification of a method

Mahasen does blogging

Government vs. Scholars vs. The Opposition.

Mahasen does blogging

My take on current issues in local educational system

Mahasen does blogging

දළ දේශීය නිෂ්පාදනයෙන් 6% තිබ්බොත් අධ්‍යාපණේ ගොඩ ගන්න පුලුවන් ද?

Mahasen does blogging

What's on the news?

Mahasen does blogging

Thoughts, dreams and consciousness of self

Mahasen does blogging

Consciousness of self, death and religion

Mahasen does blogging


Mahasen does blogging

Clean up your Island first!

Mahasen does blogging