From jaggery you can used java function/class/object/methods. Now I can tell this post also be prof of “Sell the JVM as a multi language platform”. A JVM language can share the Java libraries, and the Java Virtual Machine. It's really cooland powerful stuff to know and try. java source become java bytecode Rhino JS source also become java bytecode aggery ...
This post will be for WSO2 ESB Filter Mediator and it will be cover simple usecase with basic Filter Mediator functions. It can be used for XPath filtering of messages. There are two modes of operation Specifies the XPath (boolean expression), return true or false XPath will be matched against the regular expression return true or false Syntax <filter (source="xpath" ...
So far we hard code gadget url. Make it more nice and target for use case. Where Web user can add gadget url that he/she like to have in contain. Here I am using common container (OSAPI). Here UI planing we will implment on finally. Here is method that creating gadget templet (Here I am using simple java script ...
I participated Pre-conference Tutorials on WSO2 Con 2011, today (12/09/2011). I followed track 3 in there and those Pre-conference Tutorials happen at Taj Samudra Hotel, in Colombo, Sri Lanaka it was good experience for me, It remind me Microsoft TechEd 2010, Sunmicro summit that was happen 5 or 6 years ago. Here are some I went and ...
In Europe there are some many places to visit and trains will be best way to move rather than flying if you wish to enjoy surroundings. But when you search for train from one country city to another Europe county city results are not much powerful for guest expectations. Lot of time it give result as " Sorry, but we ...
I am doing some html5 web app developments and I need to check some work in Android Tab, But I do not have one. I testing all in my iphone 4. It is really OK, I love command prompt a lot, in windows (Normally other do not like it much, cmd teach me a lot). even I like linux terminal, ...
If you did not try hello world with jQuery mobile here is link to make hello world to it, Hello world with jQuery Mobile. Here I will post on multi paging and transition in pages with page transition events in this post. Basic that we need to know A single HTML document can contain multiple 'pages' Divs with a data-role ...
Previous post was basically about installing and introduction for NLTK and searching text with NLTK basic functions. This post main going on ‘Texts as Lists of Words’ as text is nothing more than a sequence of words and punctuation. Frequency Distribution also visited at the end of this post. sent1 = ['Today', 'I', 'call', 'James', '.'] len(sent1)—> 4 Concatenation combines ...
In our server REST web services return XML (eXtensible Markup Language). XML Maybe it is a little hard to understand, but XML does not DO anything. XML was created to structure, store, and transport information. So Here we also getting XML from our web services. Here is example that I am getting when I request my inbox from our REST ...
This post is summary of the “Anomaly Detection : A Survey”. Anomaly detection refers to the problem of finding patterns in data that do not conform to expected behavior. These non-conforming patterns are often referred to as anomalies, outliers, discordant observations, exceptions, aberrations, surprises, peculiarities or contaminants in different application domains. Anomalies are patterns in data that do not conform ...
Introduction WSO2 is the lean enterprise middleware company, delivering the only complete open source enterprise SOA middleware stack more Things to be needed tortoise Maven 2.2.1 Sun Java Development Kit 1.6 Download them from link and install them in to windows Are you need help to setup Maven? Here it is
Enrich Mediator can be used to perform transformations with in integration logic. It process a message based on a given source configuration and perform the specified action on the message by using the target configuration. syntax <enrich> <source \[clone=true\|false\] \[type=custom\|envelope\|body\|property\|inline\] xpath="" property="" /> <target \[action=replace\|child\|sibiling\] \[type=custom\|envelope\|body\|property\|inline\] x
All WSO2 Carbon (3.2.0 onward) products are embedded with LDAP(Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) server. This LDAP has a KDC (Key Distribution Center) and it is capable of issuing Kerberos tickets to clients and services who are in the LDAP server. By default this KDC is disabled. If you do not know about KDC (Key Distribution Center) here is post to ...
October 4 is expected to be only the announcement date of the new iPhone. October 14 is the one you’ll want to put aside for queuing outside your nearest Apple store. If Apple uses the announcement, then October 14 or 15 could see the new iPhone reach the first consumers.- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone4Location:Jayantha Mallimarachchi Mawatha,Colombo,Sri Lanka
Post will explain how to add http header for API call. adding HTTP header for remote REST APIs adding SOAP headers for API calls In wso2 API manger 1.1.0, API publisher you can’t find test area or test filed for adding http header for api call request. But If you need to publish remote api that needs http header data ...
virtual file system (VFS) is an abstraction layer on top of a more concrete file system. VFS is to allow client applications to access different types of concrete file systems in a uniform way. Virtual File System refers to a file or a group of files[1,2]. In day to day transfer lot of thing one place to another. Even in ...
I learn Subject 5 years ago, but realy enterprise usage seen few weeks ago. Therefore I think to write on Xpath 2.0. XPath 2.0 is the current version of the XPath language defined by the World Wide Web Consortium, W3C. XPath is used for selecting parts of an XML document. So it means hierarchicly navigation through out the document tree. ...
This Post will elucidate some basics concern for development of XSLT scripts. While I was writing some script for wso2 ESB XSLT transformation I noticed that it better to share some of things, I was trying out. Firstly I will point out some XSLT Elements template Rules to apply when a specified node is matched and it is a top-level ...
1. Go to Package Manager in Canopy, then go to Canopy Command prompt 2. In CMD enter pip install --upgrade (Here you can find some python packages) Editor Now Write code in edit with kalman 1 from pykalman import KalmanFilter 2 import numpy as np 3 print 'start'; 4 5 kf = KalmanFilter(transition_matrices = [[1, 1], [0, 1]], observation_matrices ...
This post will illustrate WSO2 ESB XSLT Transform Mediator in techitcle mode and also with sample codes. When we need XSLT Mediator is need in wso2 ESB? When we have to deal with dynamic request for ESB proxy. (If proxy request is dynamic (not static/not predefine) we will have to use XSLT mediator to mediator the message) What is XSLT ...