Happy Girl

Lady Grouchalot

Book Fairrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

Lady Grouchalot


Lady Grouchalot

An excerpt - Novel in the writing

Lady Grouchalot

Jam paan and other stories

Lady Grouchalot

Why one should not try to quench one's bloodlust on civilians thirsting for clean water

Lady Grouchalot

Inspired - In a tuk tuk

Lady Grouchalot


Lady Grouchalot


Lady Grouchalot

Weekend blues

Lady Grouchalot

Life as we know it....

Lady Grouchalot

Belly dancing monkeys, blazing lights, sneezing one's head off & Wesak

Lady Grouchalot

Tuk tuk revelations

Lady Grouchalot

Bridesmaid business

Lady Grouchalot

Train rides and haunted bungalows!

Lady Grouchalot

Antisocial Saturday

Lady Grouchalot

Avrude sells/sales

Lady Grouchalot

BBS please GAL!

Lady Grouchalot

Dedicated to victims of obnoxious salon personnel.......

Lady Grouchalot

Of tight skirts and men.............

Lady Grouchalot