Well, I expected this deluge of werk werk werk to sweep me off my feet, but it has been pretty thoroughly overwhelming to get back in the saddle. In the last two weeks I have encountered highs and lows that staying at home comfortably cushioned me from for weeks, got food poisoning, and went back to my role as office ...
Done using the usual process. Pencil on paper, inked with an Atlas Chooty Gel, and photographed. It's then cleaned up in GIMP, and traced into a vector in Inkscape, resulting in an outline: Then reimported into GIMP, coloured, and highlights and shadows added. I've done a Luke and switched from a blue lightsaber to a green one. I've also ...
...that are somehow supposed to describe your entire being. I saw the tag going around. No one has tagged me, but when has that ever stopped me? This has proven to be much more difficult than I imagined, not because I don't have fictional characters that I can relate to, but because... Well, see, this is the thing. There are ...
The United National Party turned 70 this week. I thought I'd take a look at their electoral record, for funsies. The data for this (short) analysis was sourced from Wikipedia. That data was in turn sourced from Department of Elections PDF files. I didn't cross-check the numbers because this is a blog and there is no accountability. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'll ...
Disclaimer: I did my undergraduate studies at a private fee-levying university in Sri Lanka. The above disclaimer reflects my natural sympathies in this fight. It was easy to support the private university cause, simply because: Not everyone can get into state universities (in the academic year 2013, only 16.5% of eligible students were afforded placements according to the UGC) ...
I'm changing the format of the links posts to topic-based posts which I will add to over time. Seems like a better way to organize than basing them on dates. August 2016 An exclusive inside look at how artificial intelligence and machine learning work at Apple A fascinating look at how ML work is being done at Apple, and how ...
Neural Networks exam in a week! Today's AA exam went much better than expected, given how little I studied for it. That kinda thing totally incentivises the wrong kind of behaviour. What to do. I'll start with the (overdue) assignments and try to understand as much of the mind-boggling math as I can. And perhaps some day, I'd be ...
Deep in the jungle where the mighty tiger lies Bill and his elephants were taken by surprise So Captain Marvel zapped in right between the eyes, zap! All the children sing Hey, Bungalow Bill What did you kill, Bungalow Bill? Hey, Bungalow Bill What did you kill, Bungalow Bill? Of all the messes that colonisers left their former colonies in, ...
The main thing that I learned about conspiracy theory is that conspiracy theorists actually believe in a conspiracy because that is more comforting. The truth of the world is that it is chaotic. The truth is, that it is not the Jewish banking conspiracy or the grey aliens or the 12 foot reptiloids from another dimension that are in ...
There's been some "anti-racist" vigil out of nowhere and there was, as usual, a confrontation with one of the "ultra-nationalist" orgs. Without writing any further about any of this, I will defer to the wisdom of the crowds:
Instalment 2 of the "sharing links" thingy. Shorter too. On Software: I recently subscribed to the Dataquest newsletter, and today got this post emailed to me: Python vs R: head to head data analysis Make pairwise scatterplots: One common way to explore a dataset is to see how different columns correlate to others. The above example is from the excellent ...
I promised previously to use this space for link sharing as well, so here goes the first instalment. On Software: Gender disparity in computer science is an often discussed topic, and the following is one of my favourite graphs on the topic: This week, I read about another study that confirms that software development is not the meritocracy it is ...
We are bound by all the rest Like the same phone number All the same friends And the same address Today, I watched Casey Neistat repair a chair to get over the boredom of jury duty and having nothing productive to do all day. He got a 90 minute lunch break, and he. built. something. Kinda makes you feel useless ...