Perú, By A ThreadPerspective is everything.Peruvian press ownedby white elites who dismiss the chola hordes,the new presidentaccompanied by ministersfrom Fujimori’s dictatorship,daughter Keiko just releasedfrom her chargesheet.The cards are deckedin dear old Peru. So whenyou see a peasant throwingstones and hear the crackof bullets fired by policein return, when the stone-thrower has no jobor money or prospectswhile copper miningconglomerates tradeon ...
El día siguiente Renacerás en un instante, de un día para otro, aún si has fumado una media cajetilla y la panza ha crecido a causa de vinos crudos y pesados. La luz llegará siempre a los que quieren ver, y se sienten dispuestos a amar, a pesar de la mala racha, del torbellino. Va y viene, no circula ...
First Poems There are murders that defy poetry, challenge its song--I almost wrote to a duel—ask what business do you have with us in the church, in this memorial mass. The children who died wrote their first and last poems. We do not know the metaphors paralyzed, as teachers pushed their charges into closets, behind bookcases to safety, before ...
Otra Iglesia Es Imposible: Indran Amirthanayagam / De los poemas a Paolo: Lectura: hojas del té Estuve distraído por la clasificación, y dejé los hijos abandonados, mi querida sin caricias, adem...
Encontré esta foto con Gabo que me gustaría compartir con ustedes. Ese mañana nos desayunamos en un hotel de Monterrey. No me acuerdo su nombre. El bajó en el elevador con Mercedes y estaba esperandolos en el lobby. Me sorprendió con su invitacion a desayunar. Tenía libros mios a la mano, y libros suyos. Platicamos de su abuela y de ...
How to renew a blog, give it a kick, wake it up from a slumber that has lasted months and months, inter-spliced with a program that went awry and blocked access to the once much visited page? How indeed? This is the way, in unyielding English prose. I have danced in my other languages, become quite skilled in the intervening ...
BlackBlack Lives Matter. Your life matters. Black Lives Matter. The Mad Hatter's Life Matters. And his right to change his name, to wipe the mad prejudice out of words matters. Black Lives Matter. My life matters. Black Lives Matter. All lives matter. Black Lives Matter. The squirrel's life matters. Black Lives Matter. The elephants eat bamboo, and babies gather ...
Alimentos, Huari ¿Quieres un kashki, o tomar un punki por la tarde, indagar en la tierra por las carnes de cerdo, res, gallina doradas en las piedras de la Pachamanca? Me quedo con ganas de caminar al borde de la laguna Puruhuay recogiendo porongos, corriendo como una gacela hacia el mirador para hacer contigo ahí lo que la primavera ...
Written on The WallWe are walking on water, Woman. Kamala, Lakshmi, Senator. With you and Joe we are going to go as far as the eye can see, as deep as the ear can hear. We are going to go beyond Mars, and plumb the depths of the heart. We are going to find the right step to cut ...
RevivalTo vote or not to vote, that is not the question or the dilemma. Mark a ballot for the candidate who wants to keep the ship floating or the other who wants to crash it, both supported by capital, my capital against yours, my ads versus your deep fakes. There are differences still between these two, not only their ...
A espera Não sei o nome deste pássaroque me canta agora e me acompanhará ao crepúsculo até a noite quando encontrarei as horas apartadas para lhe escrever seu testamento. Toda criação insisteque não se deve apurá-losem cair na angústiade viver na carreiraao volante sem os freios,sem tuas mãos no meu rosto para deter-me um pouco mais do poema, em ...
69 VistasIndran Amirthanayagam es un poeta prolífico, siempre migrando de una a otra casa lingüística. Así, mientras escribo esta reseña sobre su último libro de poesía en inglés, The Migrant States (Hanging Loose Press, Brooklyn, New York, 2020), acaba de salir otro libro suyo en francés, Sur l’île nostalgique (L’Harmattan, 2020), cuyo tema principal es la isla de Haití, ...
Too MuchI don't think anyone has ever written a book about this,he tells me, tongue in jowl, but I suspend my disbeliefjust long enough falling completely before the jokethen smiling widely and on all sides of my faceand the subject. So, yes I am writing a book about love. I wrote before about a tsunami and an uncivil war. Now ...
BlackBlack Lives Matter. Your life matters. Black Lives Matter. The Mad Hatter's Life Matters. And his right to change his name, to wipe the mad prejudice out of words matters. Black Lives Matter. My life matters. Black Lives Matter. All lives matter. Black Lives Matter. The squirrel's life matters. Black Lives Matter. The elephants eat bamboo, and babies gather ...
Otra Iglesia Es Imposible: Indran Amirthanayagam / Contra la ilusión: Hay una distracción al parecer, un puesto de atención a alguna nueva mariposa. Pero ya no soy un mozo. Ya no tengo gana...
On the International Day of the Diplomat, October 24, 2018Sobre el Dia Internacional del Diplomático, 24 de Octubre, 2018Encienda una vela el 24 de Octubre para honrar el Día Internacional del Diplomático. Coincide con el Dia de las Naciones Unidas, y un día después del aniversario del natalicio de mi padre que se fue hace 15 años. Era mi primer ...