WORDS AFTER SEPTEMBER 11 We will not be quiet, Lord.We will not hide in books, Under our desks, Lord. We will not whisperIn the rowdy street. We will hopOn our “three-wheelers,”On the Morning Express,Wheel up the rampAnd fly beyond The limitsOf our comforts.We will explore again,And find ourselvesLost again. Yet, We shall hold our ...
POETAS DE COLOMBIA, MÈXICO, EE.UU. y PERÚ “volver a sus raíces, a reconocerse en la mirada de los otros” LUGAR: Casa de la Literatura Peruana Salón de Lecturas 1º piso FECHA: Octubre 29 de 2011 HORA: De 5:00 p.m. a 6:00 p.m. Exponentes: María Elena Giraldo González de Colombia Anna Francisca Rodas I. de Colombia María Dolores Guadarrama de México ...
El AbolengoBorges nos mira,soñador y joven,desde la solapade su Obras completas,Tagore con cabello canoestá envueltoen una bufanda,Orwell,su cara arrugada—parece 1948,varios grandes estánexpuestos en fotosy retratos. ˁCuántoslibros tienes, le preguntami hijo a su abuelo?“Elige uno,”El reino al bordedel mar. Theroux escribióel verso para bautizarun viaje ingles.Perteneció una veza Edgar Allen Poeen ‘’Annabel Lee.”Ahora, construirémi casa al bordedel mar con antiguousy nuevos ...
Palabras Para El Taller: 5 Metros de Poemas y Otros Cuerpos Poéticos, Casa de la Literatura, Lima, Peru, 1 de Agosto, 2012de Indran AmirthanayagamDesde que me topé con los poemas de Claudia Luna, hace casi 10 años, durante un “poetry slam” en Monterrey, México, y desde las inolvidables tardes en que solíamos sentarnos con versos y mangos después de cruzar ...
Sobre Poemas en hucha de Pedro Granados Indran AmirthanayagamPedro Granados nos ha aguardado unas verdaderas joyas en su hucha que hoy tengo el placer de romper para los nuevos y viejos lectores aquí presentes. Me han dicho que está no es la primera vez que se comenta este libro y espero que mis palabras le den un nuevo vuelo. El ...
Satyagraha, Las CrucesOnly connect, my father said. In Las Cruces drinking tea with Nicanor, ninety eight and preparing his address for the Cervantes, I remind him of his poem from Oxford “Preguntas a la hora del té.” This time vagaries of bus departures from Santiago and energy spent dreaming of the visit led to a hastened tea shortly after lunch, ...
Some dear poet friends felt my poem ran too long. So here is the original version. Feel free to look at the two and tell me which you prefer. cheers. Indran Poets Among UsThere are poets who take you for a ride,from which you will not come back alive,who dazzle with incense and myrrh, who think sound trumps all sense ...
CriançaEstamos assistindoo nascimento de uma criança,banhada do sangue de sua mãe,com seu cordão umbilical para cortar.Somos as amas de leite,lhe ajudando com diversos aspectos da cerimônia,principalmente a gramática, porque as idéiasoriginais formam-se só. Bem-vindo o poeta e o poema. dr) Indran Amirthanayagam 4 de fevereiro, 2011 ...
So much depends, Williams wrote, on a red wheelbarrow glazed by rainwater.I hasten to add that not every member of the society from which he composed those lines has traded in the wheelbarrow for a combined harvester.Some of us purport still to read on paper and write with ink. A rare animal, Man, nostalgic and sweet while the planet ...
Carrying the SongReceived advice from a well-placed source in the high court that poems inspired by occasions, birthdays, anniversaries, Lima’s first international poetry festival, don’t break the sound barrier, will not be picked up in press that reports to God, will disappear as the days they mark into a rose-dipped scrapbook, destined, if kept in order along with birth certificatesand ...
Morning: Before the Semi-finals Waves rise and fall near the footpath by the sea on a misty grey Lima morning in our dreams as we build scenarios. Now what if Suarez were allowed to return for the final, can Uruguay gobberup the Mechanical Orange during its semi-finalwith some defensive glue, clamp down all movement then pounce on a breakout, a ...
GriefThere are no words, one expects to say, but get your family together, pray and break bread. When the neighbor dies the same, keep your heart open to include his relatives and country. To spend time mourning we would have no other activity. This is the koan--no other ripe conclusion from the public and private grief; yesterday shooting of ...
I left Haiti with an album of music in my bags. Called Rankont Dout, the music has now been released worldwide and I am deeply grateful to my fellow musicians, to the dear friends who inspired the poems, to Haiti which gave me to eat and drink and a bed to rest my head. I invite you to listen, to ...
Presenté a José Emilio Pacheco en Horas de Junio en Hermosillo, México en 2006. SOBRE JOSÉ EMILIO PACHECOEl arte de José Emilio Pacheco --desde los primeros poemas que conocí, cuando de joven poeta hojeaba las librerías de Nueva York, hasta los últimos que leí de Siglo Pasado (Desenlace), ahora mas maduro y amigo del poeta festejado-- se caracteriza por ...
Pregunta y VidaEn las secuelas de las olasque nos mecieron en la cuna,durante la mañana siguiente, el corazón y el espíritualegres subiendo el cerro,noto que el amor suele borrar al pasado, barrer restos de argumentos y disputas, para que el cuerpo este limpio y los pasos frescos.¿Y cuándo suceda el desencanto y su expresión rutinaria, los silencios que muerden ...
Juarez nos une Estamos a horas de la lectura que nos salvará, lo hace ya, de la soledad y del temor a la muerte, de las pequeñeces, de ganar la ruta sobre los demás conductores, de coger sin pensar, o en el momento de regocijo retirarse y gritar vida, hombre, mujer y no saber de cual cosa está burbujeando ...
Face Off I am tired, my friends too. Shall we stop the clock, the writing fool his dance, move to the Moon and beyond, sing for supper in some indigenous tongue that will disappear from the planet’s face? Must be the only rule for this rueful sojourn: we will not know if our children choose to tread on our ...
Ven a celebrar la publicacion de mi nuevo poemario, Sol camuflado. Centro Cultural Inca Garcilaso, Jr Ucayali 391, 7 pm. 26 de Octubre. Indran AmirthanayagamPoeta, ensayista y traductor al inglés y al español. Ha publicado los poemarios The Elephants of Reckoning (1993), que recibió el Premio Paterson en 1994, Ceylon R.I.P (2001) y The Splintered Face: Tsunami Poems (2008), así ...
On the mind tonight Christmas Eve, hymns and children, wide-eyed, grateful for life and the chance to share food and drink, to have a roof, a job, a computer. Yet every day I read about, and see, those who don't have such pleasures. Let us support them today and every day with our time, our gifts, our energy.