2012-2013 Outlook

Entrepreneur Musings

Launching a new online solution

Entrepreneur Musings

What is your primary motivation for working

Entrepreneur Musings

Are you a pig or a chicken

Entrepreneur Musings

Some relief, finally.

Entrepreneur Musings

Personal improvements

Entrepreneur Musings

Running out of cash!

Entrepreneur Musings

Improving quality through refactoring

Entrepreneur Musings

Getting stuck and losing steam

Entrepreneur Musings

Founders addiction

Entrepreneur Musings

Getting paid vs. investing in the business

Entrepreneur Musings


Entrepreneur Musings

Finding a hobby that sticks

Entrepreneur Musings

Founders many hats

Entrepreneur Musings

Office hunting–commercial space vs. converting a house

Entrepreneur Musings

Saving vs spending as a business

Entrepreneur Musings

Opening eyes to minimalism

Entrepreneur Musings

Slowing down

Entrepreneur Musings


Entrepreneur Musings

Growing the business

Entrepreneur Musings