One of the Rukvilla Cubs - Yala, Sri Lanka The Rukvilla cubs are the current stars of Yala. Born around a year or so ago, they have grown up surrounded by noisy safari jeeps and ...
Tune UpFirstly, sorry for the delay between my last post and this one. I was away in Sri Lanka on a months holiday and just got back (with about 130 GB of images to process). I tried to keep the project ...
A Humpback Whale dives The migratory season for Humpback Whales is well underway and a large number of them are currently making their way north from the Antarctic Ocean toward the breeding grounds in North Queensland. One of our friends got us tickets to go Whale watching ...
Yet another pairI've never understood women and their need for shoes. However, with my wife bringing so many of them home I guess it was only a matter of time before I decided to photograph them as part of this project. I went for a black ...
Carving it up at Bronte* Photographs must be viewed at a larger size. Please click on each image.The weather last weekend was the best we've had in Sydney for a while. I decided to take advantage of it and headed out to the Eastern Beaches to ...
A Mars a dayThe inspiration for this weeks entry for the project came from an advertisement for Mars bars that runs on TV. The actual shot in the commercial is a lot closer than this one but I wanted to include the texture of the chocolate on ...
Red-browed Finch - Neochmia temporalisThe Red-browed Finch was one of several species we spotted around the Barrington tops area. Although it wasn't a lifer for me, it was the first time I managed to photograph them. Photographing them isn't easy as they are constantly mo
The MacroI photographed my macro lens for this weeks entry. The challenge with this photograph was controlling the specular highlight on the lens itself. I had thought the process through and was happy with the fact that I had to actually use only one light setup. At lest I seem to ...
Brown Ringlet - Hypocysta metiriusI photographed a number of Brown Ringlets while I was up at the Barrington Tops. Since I was out early almost every morning I managed to photograph them while they warmed up in the early morning sun. Due to the fact ...
The RoseThis weeks entry for the project was fairly quick and pain free. I used a single strobe and the macro lens to produce the shot above. I did move the flash around a bit to add a bit more depth to the image by creating shadows of the layers of ...
Some of the Trams - Glebe Tram shedsThe Tram sheds in Glebe have been popular among photographers for ages. The sheds belong to the Harold Park Paceway and although they are locked, getting into them is pretty easy. The ...