For last few months I was unable to write a blog post due to various reasons. May be because of my laziness on writing blog post. But I felt to write a post as my last post in this year, about our final year project which was completed couple of months back.What is music transcription? Music transcription is generating the ...
Since I could not finish my fourth weeks second task which is "Ajaxify the multi row export in table browse" last week, I continued working with it in this week. I used the sql.js file for handling the actions related to export and then the sql.php file. For this task I tried to reuse the toggle_quick_or_custom(); function. I used ...
After finishing my last week task which is ajaxifying the "Add a new User" in db->privileges, this week I started providing an ajax featured dialog to the table inserts in db->structure. There were no previously done related works on that, so I had to start it form the beginning and there were no any codes which I could reuse in ...
I participated in my first ever interview in 2009 as a candidate for a software engineering internship. Before that, there were a couple of awareness programs arranged by the university to make students ready for the interviews but I was not able to put much attention on it so I faced the interview with lack of preparation. During the ...
"Your work is the presentation of your capabilities". You need to find the correct job on correct time. There are several milestones which are considered as the hardest decisions you have to make ever in your carrier path. Those are Choosing your first industrial training placeChoosing your first jobOut of those two, choosing your first job is also highly influenced ...
This is the final week of gsoc 2011. As I mentioned in last weeks report I had to continue with rewriting the querywindow.js functions using jquey this week. I had to rewrite the following functions this week. PMA_queryAutoCommit()PMA_querywindowResize() Initially I rewrote the logic in "PMA_queryAutoCommit()" function using jquery, but I could not find a scenario where this function is triggered ...
This week I continued my works on "Ajaxify the Add column(s) in table structure". I added two ajax actions in to tbl_strucure.js and functions.js files. I added the "$("#addColumns.ajax input[value=Go]").live('click')" action to the tbl_structure.js file which gives the add columns dialog for the user. Then I reused the code in "$("#append_fields_form input[name=do_save_data]").live('click')" action in functions.js file which was initially ...
Computer has became the most influential invention which was the seed for many other concurrent inventions. There are about 1 billion computer users all over the world. Most of them works with the computer as there profession. Out of them majority are suffering from serious eye issues which is called as computer vision syndrome.There are many causes for this syndrome ...
This is the fist week of coding time period in my gsoc 2011 project with phpMyAdmin(PMA). On 23rd of May the official coding time started. Since there were some free time with my in the community building period I started my works on before hand. It made me easy to be familiar with the code base and style which is ...
After successfully completing my first task which is Ajaxify the "Create Table" option in the navigation panel last week, I moved to the second task of the schedule. It is applying ajax behavior to the "Add a new User" option in the db->privileges tab. Initially I went through the implementation of "Add a new User" option in host->privileges which is ...
Since web seems to be a trend these days most of the new comers try to make alive their fascinating business ideas through web applications. They use nice UI components for their application to make it attractive. Initially they don't worry about the performance of the application because they won't feel it makes a huge impact at this moment. Even ...
This time my proposal on "AJAXify phpMyAdmin Interface" got accepted for Google Summer of Competition with phpMyAdmin (PMA). Marc Delisle, Michal Čihař and Ninad Pundalik who is the last year Gsoc contributor helped me a lot when I improve my patches and the proposa
Since I was very busy with my final year stuff I could not write a blog post for months. But today I got some time to introduce an amazing tool for you, which will help you when dealing with the Optical Character Recognition(OCR) domain. Lets get a basic knowledge on the OCR domain, before moving to Tesseract. What is OCR?"Translating ...
I have explained about the Sahana project I my previous blog post. So today I'm going to explain about the Sahana OCR project which is an sub module in the main Sahana project. You can refer my research paper about the extension I did for this project. Sahana Ocr project was done to automate the data entering process to ...
Since most of the students ask from me "How to get in to GSOC", I though to write down some important facts which will help you when applying for a GSOC project. First of all if you need to get more detailed description on GSOC you can refer this set of slides which were prepared by Kathiravelu Pradeeban. GSOC is ...
Web applications are more popular today than ever with the increasing number of internet users. Most of the standard alone applications converted as web based applications or at least they try to provide a web interface for users. PHP and Mysql are two leading technologies which allow uses on rapid development of web based systems. "Transaction" is a powerful concept ...
Rest is the underline architecture of Web and how the clients and servers communicate each other. Using Rest, clients and servers can communicate each other without a prior knowledge. Because of the power of Rest principles, over the time software architects have grabbed the core principles from it to implement APIs in applications. Following are some of the core principles ...
Javascript is one of the 3 main core technologies in world wide web. Since it's origin 2 decades back, it has evolved a lot and as per today, it is the trendiest programming language on earth.Since 2009 I have used javascript to do web development and until recently I used it with basic dom manipulations with jquery, simple UI logic ...
According to the schedule I had to continue with ajaxify the table maintenance options in this week. Last week I did some modifications with this task and there were some bugs with that. Marc showed me that some important information are missing with the results of ajaxified table maintenance actions. In CHECK TABLE action there was a table which contains ...
According to the schedule I had to continue with ajaxifying table operations task this week. Since there was a bug with "Table copy" option which was done last week, Marc asked me to fixed the issue which is currently not reloading the navigation panel after copping the table to a new database. Initially I could not understand why we need ...