According to my stats, the number of views on this blog past the 400000 mark a few days/weeks/sometime back. This number is not the result of larger visitor numbers but a very odd leap in the views per visitor. It creates the delusion that there’s a demographic out there who can hold their noses long […]
The following is a draft for a Wikipedia entry on the flag. Please use the comment box in this post for corrections/additions. Image created by the chair of the PRD’s. Central cultural committee. The flag of People’s Republic of Dehiwala, Sri Lanka’s only openly nuclear armed country, appears quite unorthodox. However it is rich in [...]
Sri Lanka’s Halal controversy has claimed another victim. This time it’s the permanent closure of a club that was a part of the country’s early anti colonial era resistance. How this came about is a complicated story. The details are easily lost amidst charges of islamophobia, cultural exploitation and the manic news cycle. It also [...]
Do you want to drive a variety of Lamborghini sports models in Colombo and get paid for it? Then this post is for you. Privacy focused, Colombo based, global high net worth individual seeks skilled chauffeur for her fleet of sports Lamborghinies The primary responsibility of the role is to skilfully and safely drive any [...]
Its been VI years since I posted this. Too much has faded into the rear view mirror of memory. If there’s a positive sign, its that I can bear to read my own writing. Or should I say the stuff that I typed because the voices in my head told me to ? Sadly after [...]
Political tremors over a controversial colonel from the last Sri Lankan war (see earlier post) is masking tectonic shifts in the island’s political future. Those who notice the details cannot ignore that there is a build up to a Vesuvius like eruption of war. Yet like the citizens of Pompeii, the rumblings are ignored, denied [...]
I think this is an incomplete bill board. Or its heavily encrypted with super secret symbolism readable only to cult members or symbologists. My regular commute doesn’t take me on this route anymore – snapped it during the holiday scurrying around. So I’m not sure if its complete by now. If you can interpret what [...]
Rarely does the return of a famous son plunge a land into such a slow motion crisis. On the face of it the crisis appears to centre on emotional arguments about historical trivia. Yet it’s decisiveness has frightening implications about the future post war stability of the island. To understand its significance, it is essential [...]
Sri Lanka’s new point based penalty system for traffic violations is now in effect. However the Lanka Union of Unlicensed Drivers (LUUD) has announced that the new scheme will not affect its members. Speaking from hospital where he’s recovering from a head injury, LUUD president Leon Trotsky was dismissive of the scheme. “None of our [...]
In its early years (2007-2009) this blog carved a bit of a niche for itself in 2 areas. One was documenting indigenous Sri Lankan commercial graphic design – specifically vehicle graphics. These are too heavily cross listed under various categories to bother counting. The other tradition was using Google Earth screen grabs to blog about [...]
Just a short short post to thank everyone who has visited and commented. Wish you all a happier and safer 2013. To add some filler to the sentiment the stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: 4,329 films were submitted to the 2012 Cannes Film Festival. This [...]
I was meaning to write a long piece of how this is a metaphor for life in a 21st century feudal society. But why bother when the photo already has the 1000 words. Express yourself in the comment box below. Safe driving over the 31st night period and arrive sober to a happy new year.
Reblogged from The Magic Lantern: Having missed the screening of Ini Avan at the EU Film Festival last month, D and I were quite pleased to see that it was being screened at Savoy. So we set aside our Sunday (23rd) to catch the 1.30 screening at Savoy, Wellawatte. Responsibly, I checked the showtimes and [...]
The end of the year is upon us so it’s time a good time to shed some inhibitions. With this mind I thought I should unleash some nudity at the flesh starved masses of the Sri Lankan blogosphere. The prudish among you can click away though I KNOW you won’t. The show starts with the [...]
Dec 17th was a perception changing day but not for the usual extraordinary reasons. No life altering incidents, epiphanies, conversations, coffee altered mental states or memos from the voices. Just the end of the first day of my leave. Predictably some of the better perceptions about life seep from the mundane. Annoyingly they tend to [...]
I had secretly hoped the day would never come but it did. Consoled my self that there’s a first time for everything and that I’ll get over to it. The hanging is the result of repeated appeals by Mrs C and other family members. It led me to pay good money to have two of [...]
Memory and experience of climate/weather is an unmentioned of identity. For Cerno, complaints about my country's weather is offensive enough to unleash the hounds.
He’s from somewhere small, obscure and violent in the wilds of Uttar Pradesh. So nasty that he had to flee to Dehli as a child. This is the first time he’s ever left India. You wouldn’t know that if you talked to him. Far removed from the “loud Indian” I’ve seen many Sri Lankans roll [...]
I have been a fan of Charles Bukowski’s poetry for years. He’s one of the few poets I read voluntarily. Bukowski stands out because I have a stockpile of his books collected over the eons. The photo in this post is my evidence. I naturally prefer his poetry over prose. The later poems over the [...]
2 months without a post — a sure sign of the end. The only pathetic response is an “excuse post” such as this one. I never thought I would be so time poor. My previous “why I haven’t been blogging” excuses are lame by comparison. I was so “free” time. Now I get about 2 [...]