Alice’s Box

Cerebral Ramblings

Adventure Island: I. Can’t. Feel. My. Brain.

Cerebral Ramblings


Cerebral Ramblings

In Japan: Pay 1000 Yen To Hug A Strange Girl

Cerebral Ramblings

That time I almost lost my leg

Cerebral Ramblings

Covering Your Face: religion, oppression and individual freedom

Cerebral Ramblings

Conquering The Two-Wheeled Monster

Cerebral Ramblings

Why I couldn’t leave Facebook

Cerebral Ramblings

The Lament of the Godaya

Cerebral Ramblings

Liam Neeson vs. The Big Bad Muslims

Cerebral Ramblings

Once there was a peanut butter jelly sandwich monster

Cerebral Ramblings

What is life without food? DEATH.

Cerebral Ramblings

Talking to a Sri Lankan

Cerebral Ramblings

Selling The House

Cerebral Ramblings

Young Feminist Blogathon: my entry

Cerebral Ramblings

Diabetes, Here I Come!

Cerebral Ramblings

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the Whitest of them all?

Cerebral Ramblings