The ice starts melting as the drink slowly moves through the mouth to the liver. Burning flames of passion , desire . One drink becomes two and then you go for another. Time makes you dizzy and craving for another. And then there she stands, all ready to take you in.
Of course you stole my heart. Broke it to million pieces and again mend it to a whole. Of course i fell into an entangle because of it. Yet. I Love You. even now. Of course. .
It is a laugh among the stress that makes you more beautiful . You love my jokes I know ; but is it only that you are looking for to keep you happy? I guess it is, I ‘ll keep on joking to keep you happy.
My heart is like an atom sometimes. You cannot see when it weeps , you cannot see when it sings. Yet you know it is there, giving you vibes , that make you happy or despair.
From a young lass to a beautiful lady and now a mother to be. How years have passed my love? Don’t worry though, at each moment I am here with you thee..
I found fame through my sheer hard work and passion to do what I want to do. Not what you told me to do which always took me down. I believed in myself. I won.
We built our relationship through hugs and kisses Like mash mellows melting in a chocolate ice cream spreading the flavor through the veins of our lips and hearts We built it together, we got on together. The never ending passion running through the veins like bloodstreams The stars shining upon us like rays of magic Our foundation is the stepping ...
It is a simple way to look at things . Where the positives are identified even during the darker times. It helps to heart to ease out pains and be content with what we really have. Forgetting what we don’t. Living a simple life that is what we require. Devoid of jealousy, anger and hate. Happiness is not a destination. It is always a choice.
We all long for that insatiable embrace. That warmth that cure the pains in our hearts ,nourishes the blood of our veins. We long for love that is true and unrequited. We long for peace of mind. Until the one who can give all of the above, comes near us without a sign.