The expression of life. That tender moment that changes everything from sadness to happiness. Bringing hearts together, it takes your breath away. Sometimes making you cry. It’s the signature of a human being and is unique to each and everyone.Portraits will be dull without it, Life would suck without it. Give it more, get it back. It’s that simple. ...
Its a fact in the modern world that people who have many skills, are considered as true valuables and is an asset for any group, team or organization. These kind of people are considered as all rounders and have the unique talent of performing many roles to help the people depend on him achieve their ...
This week in the Indie Ink Writing Challenge, I got the challenge from Sunshine and the challenge was " You personify one of the seven deadly sins. Tell us your story, but don't tell us who you are.". Firstly i didn't have a clue about what the seven deadly sins are. But, after doing some research, I got to know ...
Education is an essential component in the life of a human being. From the day we are born we are taught how to talk , to walk, to read the first letters of the alphabet and so on. If a person doesn't get the chance to learn, then it should be considered a crime as ...
A few weeks ago, one of my cousins gave me a call asking for some advice. She has just done her A/L's in medicine and didn't get selected to the medical college. So, she decided to go after a different career and was seeking advice from me about suitable universities where she can pursue a ...