HTML Parser - HTML ParserHTML Parser is a very cool java library which can be used to extract values in a html page.Let's take the URL -'s say we want to extract the value of the span tag - ( Mar 18 - Close.)Here is the codeimport;import;import;import;import org.htmlparser.Node;import org.htmlparser.Parser;import org.htmlparser.filters.CssSelectorNodeFilter;import org.htmlparser.util
In MySql you will run into trouble when you try to execute a query if you have a reserved keyword as a column name. As an example let's take "update google_mapping set Open_Market='N' where Group='Taiwan';. Group is a reserved keyword in MySql. Solution is to surround keyword with ``. So in the above example you have to modify the query ...
Esoteric programming language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaEscoteric programming languages! Well I heard about them today for the first time. These programming languages are not used in real world programming. They have mainly used to test the boundaries of computer programming language design, as a joke and as a prof of concept by hackers and hobbyists . You can find ...
David Parnas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaRecently I heard that David Parnas is considered as the father of modern day Software Engineering. . Geez, I am in the Software Engineering field all these years with out knowing the father of Software Engineering. ;) He has published many papers regarding Software Architecture.
Main Fundamental concepts of Object Oriented Programming are 1. Data Abstraction 2. Encapsulation 3. Polymorphism 4. Inheritance1. Data Abstraction - Process of Grouping together fields and methods and defining classes. 2.Data Encapsulation - Hiding the implementation details. Provides a barrier to prevent misuse. 3.Inheritance - Receiving responsibility of parents. 4. Polymorphism - Ability to substitute a one type for another ...
Huawei USB modem didn't work in my Windows Vista laptop. my2cent blog helped me to resolve the issue. :)You can download Huawei E220 Vista Firmware (v11. from the link below. in the screen shot below shows Device manager should list Huawei in the Modems section if the device has been correctly install in the machine. Few days after writing this ...
I used powerISO and it was easy. You can find more info regarding thisWatch .bin movie file with Windows VLC playerTried to use Demon Pro too. It didn't work out well. Maybe you might be lucky. ;)How to play .bin, .cue, .dat and .rar movie file
Google is the leader when it comes to search engines. With the google search engine here are some techniques to get various kind of usual information. # (site:) - Domain restricted search. Shows how many URLs are indexed by Google from a directory including all the sub domains. Also shows sites of specific top level domain. e.g;, site:, ...
Sometimes you may need to block web site. You can easily achieve this by using Windows Hosts file. Hosts file is located in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC. Open that in Notepad. As an exaple if you want to block the site include this lines at the bottom of the file. example.com127.0.0.1 www.example.comYou can find more information regarding this in gohacking
Don't ever take software testing for granted. Source - some recent major computer system failures caused by software bugs?It was reported in August 2009 that a large suburban school district introduced a new computer system that was 'plagued with bugs' and resulted in many students starting the school year without schedules or with incorrect schedules, and many problems with grades. ...
In my opinion Sanath is hitting below the belt by deciding continue to play cricket while contesting in the election. This move is really disastrous to Sri Lankan Cricket. First time in the history, game loved by all Sri Lankans is politicized. In my opinion is Sanath is the most selfish cricketer ever to play for Sri Lanka. After ...
I wanted to encrypt some sensitive data in a Silverlight application and decry pt that in the server. Sergey Barskiy's has written a good post about that. Here is the code. Encryption functionality using System; using System.Text; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.IO; namespace Encryption { public static class EncryptionUtility { /// /// Encrypt the data /// /// String to encrypt /// ...
This is the simplest way of adding a checked box column to a data grid in silver light and iterate through the values to determine which values are checked. The code is straight forward. <data:DataGrid x:Name="gridActivityList" Margin="0" AutoGenerateColumns="False"> <data:DataGrid.Columns> <data:DataGridTextColumn x:Name="Activity" Binding="{Binding ActivityName}" Header="Activity" Width="200"/> <data:DataGridTemplateColumn> <data:DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate> <DataT
HTML Parser - HTML ParserHTML Parser is a very cool java library which can be used to extract values in a html page.Let's take the URL -'s sa
In MySql you will run into trouble when you try to execute a query if you have a reserved keyword as a column name. As an example let's take "update google_mapping set Open_Market='N' where Group='Taiwan';. Group is a reserved keyword in MySql. Solution is to surround keyword with ``. So in the above example you have to modify the query ...