There are two other beds in the downstairs garden, in addition to the two I showed last week. One was there from November, in the corner between the downstairs bedroom and its bathroom, and I have tried roses there but they have failed to produce blooms, doubtless because not enough sun reaches the place.

I have greater hopes of the other, which is against the other wall of the bathroom, just next to the garden tap, and the first picture shows Benjy drinking from that tap with his feet on the wall of the bed, a precursor doubtless of destruction of whatever I plant there. At the moment there are some shrubs which have survived his incursions, and I show them direct in the next picture with on the left the jasmine bush that has sprung up under the trellis.

After the other bed, with the sad plants that remain there, I show the latest joy of the garden, another blooming orchid. This is on one of three plants placed on the dead temple flower tree, where two or three times a couple of years back a purple orchid bloomed. This one is white, but shows up well even in sunlight against the trunk of the tree.

And then once again there are blossoms on the little temple flower tree against the east wall. It produced several and then there was a hiatus I think because other plants around it blocked the sunlight. But now there are two blossoms, and I show them together and then the one higher up.