Good Weather Post

Good weather reminds me of the fragility of life.

It’s not a pessimistic attitude. The fragility emphasises the privilege I have to relish such moments. Somewhere people freezing through blizzards. Trying to survive floods or walking endless drought-stricken kilometres for muddy drinking water.

Weather changes suddenly, no matter what the meteorological soothsayers promise. It’s easy to interpret the omens with your biases. The privileges of good fortune can dull the senses with false optimise. Or worse, poison you with hubris.

One moment you are running at the peak of your strength. The next you hobble about. Where the simplest actions require thoughtful manoeuvring.

So I’m thankful for a day of blue sky with a kind breeze. It makes the moment precious. The fact that it has a gun to its head is a fact which doesn’t mar the moment.

Have a happy and safe holiday. May 2022 be better than all the years before.

The cover photo is a panoramic photo from Geoffrey Bawa’s 33rd Lane house.

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