Image by Pexels from Pixabay

What about the problems of the rest of the world?

Overwhelmed – that’s the word. How many things do you keep up with? Or rather, how many things can you keep up with? How do you distance yourself from the problems of the world? Especially when your problems or the problems of those around you are fresh in your mind? Are you lesser than the rest because you haven’t posted any token social media stories to raise concerns over how country leaders are handling the pandemic? Or how your support was not ‘shown’ in BLM? How is it ever enough? 

But above all, tell me, how do you deal with the sadness? The soul-crushing, heart-wrenching – even for those who are supposedly devoid of such emotions – tug that puts everything to a stop? Are the tears in my eyes that of anxiety, sadness at the state of the world? Or just disappointment in the state of my own life? 

What are my problems and at how do I take on responsibility for that of which isn’t mine? How do I shake off guilt I know I should not be feeling because everything, after all, is not lost. There is hope, some light at the end of the tunnel; because if not, our journey for all we know would’ve been in vain.
