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Updating a Custom Claim with SCIM2 in WSO2 Identity Server

1 Comment

This is a problem that many has come to when working with SCIM2 APIs. I think the main reason for this requirement to be a “problem” is the added complexity of the SCIM API. The target of this post to be the simplest guide on getting $subject done.

Enable SCIM Extension.

  • Open the file <IS-HOME>/repository/conf/identity/provisioning-config.xml.
  • Set the property user-schema-extension-enabled to true and save.

Adding SCIM Extension configs.

  • Open the file <IS-HOME>/repository/conf/scim2-schema-extension.config
  • Add the following configuration at the end of the file, before the last element of the JSON array.
"description":"Custom claim",
  • Add customClaim to the subAttributes element of the last element of the JSON array, as shown below.
"description":"Enterprise User",
"subAttributes":"verifyEmail askPassword employeeNumber costCenter organization division department manager customClaim",
  • Save the file and start the Identity Server.

Confusing? See the below GIF.


Adding the Custom Claim

  1. Start the identity server, log in to the management console and click on Add under Claims menu item.
  2. Click Add Local Claim.
  3. Fill the following.
    1. Claim URI: http://wso2.org/claims/customclaim
    2. Display Name: Custom Claim
    3. Description: Custom Claim
    4. Mapped Attribute (s):
      1. User Store Domain Name: PRIMARY
      2. Mapped Attribute: customClaim
    5. Check Supported by Default
  4. Click on Add.

Note: When adding the mapped attribute, remember the following.

  1. You can use the word customClaim (or any word you prefer) as the mapped attribute, only when using a JDBC user store. If you’re using LDAP or Active Directory, you’ll have to use an attribute that already exists in the user store. JDBC user store automatically creates a new attribute if it does not already exist, but LDAP and AD doesn’t do that.
  2. The above configuration is only valid when you’re using the primary user store. If you have a secondary user store configured, make sure to add another mapped attribute selecting the secondary user store as well.

Adding SCIM Claim Mapping

  1. Go to Claims > AddAdd External Claim.
  2. Fill the following information
    1. Dialect URI: urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User
    2. External Claim URI: urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User:customClaim
    3. Mapped Local Claim: http://wso2.org/claims/customclaim


  1. Create a new user.
    1. Users and Roles > Add > Add New User
    2. Provide details and add the user.
  2. Add a value to the customClaim of the new user.
    1. Users and Roles > List > Users
    2. Click on User Profile under the new user and select the default profile.
    3. Add some value under Custom Claim and save.
  3. Retrieve the user through SCIM and make sure the custom claim is present.
  • Sample cURL
curl -v -k --user admin:admin https://localhost:9443/scim2/Users
  • Sample response.


Updating the Custom Claim using SCIM

Execute the below cURL and check whether the claim is updated from the user profile.

curl -k -X PATCH \
  https://localhost:9443/scim2/Users/be8f8562-7661-44a9-b6f4-d6d94dac914f \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic dmloYW5nYTphZG1pbg==' \
  -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Postman-Token: 3cbbfd68-7f1f-4ce4-8b5e-ffb4b88c4171' \
  -d '{
            "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User": {
                 "customClaim": "new value"

Done! 😀

Author: vihangaliyanage

Fast Learner, code geek, dedicated software developer, always look forward to learn something new.

One thought on “Updating a Custom Claim with SCIM2 in WSO2 Identity Server

  1. Unable to see updated claims in the scim2user api after adding above claim – tried for account lock.
    Requirement is to get users who are locked. Please help asap


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