“What would you say if you happen to meet me? Reflections on Life, Fate, and Blindness.”

Visitors at Abimansala are something I happen to come across from time to time. In some cases, people attempt to provide intriguing justifications for my blindness. Without a doubt, I should say they express their feelings from their heart thinking that I am in a depressing mood.
More often than not, most express their gratitude by saying “Because of     your sacrifice we all Sri Lankan   now live peacefully”.  After that some quietly start blaming the politicians   based on   some hot topics being debated on mass media at present. In that back drop , we don’t have much to say on them than smiling  as we are not suppose to comments on
Then, they start talking about our life, how and where we were injured, and facilities available at Abimansala etc. Thereafter, they start sharing some of their life experiences and also trying to console me by making remarks on blindness.
Most say “your wife is a great lady as she married a person like you”. Another one say, “Can’t help, this is your fate, so try to make up your mind. “ Yet Another say” you got a daughter and she has a good pair of eyes for you” another say “you have a good family, so they will look after you”. Another remark is “You must be good at music as you have time to listen to music”.  Another comment is” This is a good opportunity that you got to  follow Buddhism, you are so lucky, though we want we don’t have time , but you are not so, don’t think of the lost eyes try to awake the third eye”. A few Christians said, Try and get close to the all mighty god as he could do miracles and you would be able to see again”. Some people speak softly to my ear “Yapa; you are so lucky not to see these things” particularly referring to a behavior of another. Another regular query is, have I improved the hearing after being blind.
Besides that some discuss movies and TV shows that depict a blind character performing incredible feats.  In particular, the abilities demonstrated by Kung Fu masters of Shaolin temples who are blind.
While I am grateful for their conversations and advice, I must note that only a handful of visitors engage with me at length. Many simply say hello and move on, perhaps unsure of how to interact with a blind person. But I encourage them to talk about anything, not just my blindness, as I enjoy all general topics. Scholars and professionals have even discussed great blind musicians and writers, like Beethoven, Stevie Wonder or Helen Keller. as well as the abilities of the visually handicapped soothsayer, Indika Thotaawaththa. Overall, I am grateful for all the visitors who have offered me their time, advice, and encouragement throughout my blind life.

About Dushyantha Yapa

I am an army officer happened to be blind in action in 1998.
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4 Responses to “What would you say if you happen to meet me? Reflections on Life, Fate, and Blindness.”

  1. Pingback: What would you say if you happen to meet me? | සතුටු වැස්ස බ්ලොග් කියවනය

  2. Manique gunaratne says:


  3. Hiranya says:

    This is a brilliant post ! Made me smile. It’s good to have you writing about this and putting it out in the open.

  4. hiranyamalwatta says:

    Brilliant post Dushyantha. Made me smile. It is a very good thing you are doing…. putting it out there in the open.
    – Hiranya.

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