
Clearly trying to write more has proven to be futile, and this is a somewhat feeble attempt to keep the juices flowing.

C turned 35 yesterday. I think I get more excited about his birthday than he does! I generally start planning 6 months in advance, sometimes even earlier if I see something I think he’ll like. Guilty as charged, I’m a bit obsessive that way. So needless to say he was a total wet blanket when he very endearingly told me what he wanted for his present. With that goofy grin and unassuming way – I couldn’t not give in. Little did he know that my heart did a plop. I literally heard it.

So out went a really cool Bond-esque chopper ride that would take us away for a weekend and in came the boring old present in its place. Undeterred and with some malice & glee, I went and got him a flying lesson. In all honesty, C is a total aviation enthusiast. He left me bed ridden with fever (ok maybe not bed ridden per se) to go visit the Royal Air Force Museum when we were on holiday in London. Came back with bags full of miniature replicas that are now sitting on his writing table. But I digress. I got him the flying lesson very genuinely. Knowing it will knock his socks off. And it did. His reaction is on video and I can safely say the boy will now be pre-occupied with the impending flight and that one hour of living a dream he missed.

I’ll be on the sidelines watching him take off and land. I plan to video. And take lots of pics.

3 thoughts on “Aplha,Bravo,Charlie

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