Deconstructing Sirisena: Sri Lanka’s first dictator

As we approach 200 days of the “100 day regime” of “perfect governance,” we see Sirisena for the crude, conniving politician that he truly is. Let’s unravel the Sirisena web of lies.

Maithripala Sirisena came onto the presidential stage in a manner so contrived that it looked scripted right out of the shadowy halls of the NGO dens of Colombo — as it turned out, it was exactly that. Here was a man from deep within the Rajapksa government, who apparently at great risk to himself, suddenly came out to denounce his leader, his party, and his nation. He said he had seen untold corruption and felt the need to stand up for “good governance” and to stand against “selling of the country” to certain foreign powers, meaning China.

Based on Mahinda Rajapaksa’s mistakes in communicating his plans and explaining his actions, and on the background of an anti-national drumbeat of derision and allegations — which were never confronted head-on by the Rajapaksa government — from the disloyal opposition led by Ranil Wickremasinghe, the swing voters and urban pseudo-middle class fell for Sirisena’s lies hook, line and sinker.

Sirisena said that Mahinda had bought helicopters, horses and Lamborghinis for his sons, all at taxpayer expense. Sirisena said that Mahinda and his ministers used artificially inflated Chinese loans to fund “corruption” and to sell the country to China through this indebtedness. Sirisena said that he would usher in a new, “perfect government,” to be led by Wickremasinghe for 100 days. Sirisena said that after those 100 days, he would dissolve parliament for a fresh, clean, new parliament to then continue with the “good governance” regime.

As we know now, Sirisena was lying.

There were never any horses, helicopters or Lamborghinis. There was no hidden stash of corruption money. The loans were taken at standard rates for the type of project. And China has never engaged in empire-building, unlike certain other former-powers who to this day harbour Tamil terrorist groups on their shores, and who support in various ways the anti-national elements in Sri Lanka, be they parties like the UNP or ugly thugs like the BBS.

Can a patriotic leader ever countenance going cap in hand to those impotent imperialists of yesteryear, as Samaraweera, the unelected foreign minister, and Ranil, the unelected prime minister have done?

What really happened was gullible voters were duped by Sirisena. What happened is that the anti-national forces who signed peace treaties with Tamil terrorists (Ranil), and those who led anti-war propaganda campaigns in the South (Mangala), and those who offered 10-years of rule over the North and East to Tamil terrorists (Chandrika), and those pretending to be Buddhist monks (Sobitha, Rathana), and university professors who to this day back Tamil terrorist rule, and those who denigrated the war effort and ridiculed our heroic soldiers at the key moments in 2008 (Ravi Karunanayake), those who tried to stop funds being allocated to the military even as Tamil suicide bombs were exploding in trains and buses in Colombo (UNP), and those who said one gonekuta yuddha karanna puluwan (Kiriella), and those who are so vehemently anti-Sinhalese that they say Sri Lanka is not the island of the Sinhalese (Wijedasa), have a hold on the reins of the country.

None of these people were elected. And as I have said before, it is a mockery of democracy that this evil coward called Sirisena dares to use his presidential victory, on a mandate essentially from the anti-Sinhalese, anti-Buddhist population, to upend the constitution and create a dictatorship which rules in the name of Eelam.

Sirisena has basically created Sri Lanka’s first ever Nazi dictatorship. He came to power based on a campaign of lies, just like Hilter. He then created a secret police force which goes about persecuting political opponents based on fabricated charges and invented crimes, just like Hitler. He attempts to tear up our ancient Lion Flag and replace it with something made in his image, just like Hitler. He allows the loud-mouthed gorilla Mangala to make wild allegations and travel the world discrediting the country, just like Hitler used Goebbels. Now, almost 200 days later, the self-styled “100 day” messiah refuses to hold new elections, just as Hitler banned elections after coming to power.

Sirisena is a liar and a coward. When Chandrika offered him the prime ministerial position as a prelude to the presidential nomination in 2005, he ran all the way to Polonnaruwa with his tail between his legs. So scared was he that his miserable little existence might be targetted by the LTTE. Recently, Sirisena has added more evidence of cowardice, recounting how in the 1970s he got on his bike and pedalled away as fast as possible when faced with some angry villagers. Now he dares to grandstand about not being given the prime ministership by Mahinda, after Mahinda and Gota stood firm to win the war on terror.

A point often repeated, especially by the silly editorials of The Island, is that Sirisena owes his presidency to UNP votes and so must do whatever he can to help the UNP. This makes no sense whatsoever. Sirisena did not just stand up as an independent candidate who then received the backing of the UNP. By their own admission, there were multiple meetings between Ranil and Sirisena, with key negotiations taking place in a foreign country, and there was an agreement that Sirisena would stand as Ranil’s puppet. Based on his actions in 2004, do you think a coward like Sirisena would ever have stood against Mahinda if he did not have powerful forces backing him and guaranteeing his safety?

Ranil, the unelectable traitor, has the temerity to talk about “betraying the people’s mandate” when faced with a no-confidence motion which was brought to bare precisely because he has NO mandate to govern. If Ranil had any decency, honour or sense of democracy, he would have stood against Mahinda himself. And he would have if he thought he could win. But he knows he can never win an election, because his treacherous nature is known by all. His aim is not to present himself and let the voters decide. He feels he was born to rule and so used every possible trick — even lobbying foreign governments not to buy bonds during the war era, saying that a future UNP government would not repay them — to get to power.

Things have changed though. The people have realized the cynical game which Sirisena played, and have now said “Enough is enough!”

Without pressing the advantage they had in January, and calling a general election before all Sirisena’s lies were exposed, they thought they could coast by with the current parliament. Mahinda could then be locked out of active politics, the SLFP would start to back Sirisena, and Ranil could use his puppet to get the SLFP to vote for whatever the UNP wanted, including a war crimes tribunal and the future arrest, extradition and execution of Mahinda and Gota. Put simply, the dictators Sirisena-Ranil planned on suppressing the majority using a nominally Sinhalese president, in order to re-create the pre-1956 minority and foreigner dominated apartheid state that existed immediately after 1948.

But Sri Lanka is not some two-bit banana republic. The country has a three millenia history of Sinhalese culture and civilization, which has created an intelligent majority. They demand representative governance, not dictatorial gimmicks. They will not allow their war hero leaders to go quietly in the night, least of all so that the likes of Ranil and Mangala can rule the peaceful, prosperous, rapidly developing country that those war heroes built.

Nugegoda was the first stirring of a sleeping giant. Matara was that giant’s fist clenching in revolution.

Hilter also won one election. Of course, it took a World War before the next election happened in Germany. Let’s hope people rise up, protest, strike, and bring the country to a halt until an election is called. And then let’s kick these traitors out of power and straight into jail.

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