“he loves me, he loves me not” has nothing to do with HIM

The Sri Lankan political arena is today’s talk of the town it seems, and is in fact slowly but surely taking the attention of many.
(not just within our nation but also globally)

“POLITICS!!!!!” such a time consuming irregardless thing it seems, (to me at least) BUT how “POLITICS” creeps into “E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G” is unimaginable isnt it? YET….the fact that it is so subtly tolerated (“I actually mean celebrated”..) is dispicable.

BUT here’s what!!!! I ain’t actually referring  to the “NATIONAL” POLITICAL ARENA here, it’s actually of very little significance to me. But when found in a crowd that discusses politics, I realize how present it is everywhere & ESPECIALLY in the places you’d least expect it. surprise!! surprise!! the church’s included, after all “Such” is the hunger for power and control and it exempts no flesh and blood being, despite its cleaver disguises of course 😰 (Oh… Blasphemy it seems doesnt it! well.. get over it.. you know it, i know it & it’s only a matter of time before u admit it based on an authentic experience.. and trust me it’s coming!)

BUT even in this “church” classification, don’t get me wrong, but I’m being very specific here. (as you can see) I aint reffering to any Catholics or methodists or any such faith!! it’s purely about my fellow brethren “THE CHRISTIANS”.

(FYI – honestly!! I wouldn’t know if i am speaking of another faith.. if I am, i assure you that it is not my intention. And in all honesty, what i don’t know i don’t touch. Which is why my view is in direct reference to the christians)

If this surprises you 😨 please dont let it… Coz over the years, i have realized that most christian churches are much like institutions. I feel they operate on ridiculous morals and values and manipulate people with a man made system. Which of course is created around the preferences of a carefully selected group of people. (A.K.A – a governing body).

BUT WAIT… of course people ought to implement various tasks, but isn’t it suppose to be built around GOD and intricately executed based on the leading of the holy spirit ??  OR is it not acceptable to have real people in churches anymore. I mean, as opposed to CONSCIENCELESS SOLDIERS that ask no questions and do as they are told.

Think about it! aren’t the people in power (despite them being in a church) also flesh and blood people who can make mistakes?? Then why is it that believers BASELESSLY feel compelled to allow selected individuals to run their lives and make choices on their behalf?? Besides, if direction or advice is given based on how “these” (selected) individuals understand and perceive situations, then shouldnt people actually stop for a moment and ask themselves if what they have been asked to do edifice the undiluted realities of GOD.

Oh yeah!! i tend to forget..(silly me 😧) everyone is just meant to follow instructions (no questions asked) just because there is a system in motion and GOD fits in to that box perfectly? ? 😫 OF COURSE 😕

When did GOD become so wicked to take away choice from us? 😥 Wasn’t it a part of his original plan from the very beginning of time, that we choose? IF SO, and GOD himself allowed man to choose in his presence, then WHEN DID IT BECOME OK for someone else to choose for others. Despite who it may be?

AND AS THOUGH ALL OF THAT WASNT BAD ENOUGH, they also seem to take the liberty of creating fascinatingly insulting lables like “back slider” just because some people aren’t strong enough to keep to the standards a governing body created for them to live by.

NOTE – everyone is unique & so are their struggles. So NO ONE PERSON should modify SOMEONE ELSE’S behavior based on a system they feel is fit to police another (Because they would inevitably fail).. After all, only god transforms & peoples lives should NOT be subject to any 3rd party opinion. UNLESS there is a genuine leading to minister into a situation for A BREAKTHROUGH. NOT OFFER COMMON ADVICE that is routed from an opinion. After all behaviour modification is not and should never be more important to leaders than the transformation that takes place in ones heart when they come to god.

SO “today’s christian church” i mean well and have no offence against you. but seriously!!!! SHOW ME YOUR VERSION OF GOD IN THIS and i will show you how many people you have lost and destroyed. People who will never want to know the real him (GOD) that i know and adore because of you..
Show me your god in this wickedness and I will show you how GOD is not about the rights and wrongs people have done (THE LAW) but is more concerned about the people and their hearts which YOU have so absolutely lost interest in protecting because a system (the law) has become god to you.

What happened to the “Grace” of god that was demonstrated for us on the cross. The demonstration through which, we freely received the fullness of his goodness without becoming a slave to control or judgement.

NOW! Looking back I am thankful for the lessons i have learned, mostly of that i shouldn’t do. Yet, looking forward I am thrilled for the grace of god over my life to have directed my path to a place I now call home. A place that has proved to me on numerous occasions that the real god is so much more than the so called christian church has depicted HIM to be.

AND SO I am NOW ever so grateful not only coz my feet have been planted on solid ground but also because I am in love again with the fairest of them all..
I AM THE CHURCH AND HE IS MY GROOM.. AND I WILL NOT STAND SILENT AND WATCH YOU MOCK THE ESSENCE OF MY EXISTANCE because you lack the understanding to capture my god in his entirety and wholeness.

SEEERIOUSLY!!! HAVE YOU REALLY ASKED YOURSELF WHAT “CHURCH” IS MEANT TO BE? ATLEAST BEFORE YOU WALK AROUND gloating with a “holier than thou” attitude, judging and condemning.
Stop already!!!! LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE SADLY MADE OF IT!! church is not what it was meant to be anymore!!

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