You’re joking
With half a straight face
Peering into my eyes
Holding on to my hand
And I’m shaking my head
So that’s your joke??? Laaaaame dude, I say
But I can’t stop smiling
You’re pointing at my face
Hah!!!!! Seeee that was funny
I can hardly hear you now, and my cheeks are hurting
I’m hanging on to your arm
And you turn
Sweeping me off my feet
Admit it baby- I’m your funny guy
I’m looking into your eyes, crinkling at the edges
You are holding me so tight
I can hardly breathe
C’mon, say it- you persist
Yeah ……
You’re my funny guy
And you break into a smile
Kissing me
My heart stops
For a second
I remember every little thing
About that moment
Your hair in my fingers
The texture of your grey T-shirt
The taste of your skin
Heavy breathing in my ear
Your half closed eyes

You pull away, slowly
You’ve stopped smiling

Things are not so funny anymore……;)

Sashikala Premawardhane

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.