You need not go
Into that darkness alone
I’ll come there, with you
Here’s my hand
Take it
There’s no other way
You’ll feel less alone

I’ll go into that darkness alone
You needn’t come there with me
Don’t hold out your hand
I won’t take it
There’s no other way
With you here – I  feel more alone

These last minute morsels of affection
Still confuse me
And then I remember
That you have let me walk alone in the light for so many years
So why not in the darkness ?

I’m so used to this solitude
Darkness or light
With you or without
I’m walking ahead
Can’t let you -holding out your hand-
Hold me back
There’s so much pain in your affection and
so much comfort
In this unknown darkness
It’s compelling me

I can’t look back

Sashikala Premawardhane

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.