In to the Robotics

As moving to the final year of my BSc reading I had the opportunity to take robotics as an elective subject. Even though I was an IT student I have choose this subject because I love electronic gadgets and robots very much. Actually the subject is fine than I thought it in the first hand. Later on I was assigned to assignment .The objective is to build a line following robot using a pic. It was a group assignment and i was assigned to a group with some enthusiastic guys. As we work on the assignment we had few problems with pic programming. As usual we did google but strangely there was nothing on google .I said “nothing” because even there were content we could not understand it. More or less what I have felt is that the people who knew this subject are not willing to help much. So here I am going to explain how to build a simple line following robot. My next posts will be a step by step guide to build a solution to a line following robot. I will keep the content as simple as possible in both software and hardware. But if you don’t know how to identify the pins of a led and to program a simple hello world program in c this guide will not help you at all. First of all we need to identify, why we build this robot? What are the requirements? What are the technologies that going to use? By analyzing all those things, a design should be made.

Following videos shows few simple robots which we can get an idea how to build your own one.

A simple moving robot

A line following robot

A balancing robot

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