Of the First Post and the Perfect Post

This post is not perfect.

It may not even strike you as being particularly good. This post was written with the sole intention of getting my blog up and running. To start somewhere. To join all the wonderful people in the blogosphere. A group of people for whom I have immense respect.

For I have come to realize that it’s not easy to start a blog. It is probably even harder to keep at it.

You see, it’s kinda awe-inspiring. You are aware that your blog will be readable by almost anyone on the planet, from sad souls pretending to be Nigerian Princes all the way up to Barack Obama – and you want to do your best. Granted most of the hits to your freshly baked blog would be accidental clicks – but you still would like to make a good impression on those click-happy ‘fans’ of yours. You want each of your sentences to have the wit of Oscar Wilde, the passion of Martin Luther King and the high-brow flowery language of Ranjit Fernando (hmm OK, maybe just the first two would do :D).

But heck, if you keep on searching for words that sound just right and combing the themes gallery looking for the perfect shade of blue for your blog you will never get anything done. As some wise man once said, it’s better to do something imperfectly than it is to do nothing perfectly.

So, PSA to any aspiring bloggers who are still pondering on how to write a perfect first post for their perfect blog. There is no such thing as a perfect blog, nor is there such a thing as a perfect post.

This post represents the closest you can get. 😀


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2 responses to “Of the First Post and the Perfect Post

  1. Nice to see u on blogs.
    Hope u’ll share ur knowledge on technical stuff as well.
    All the very best for your blog !!!!!!!

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