In memory of Sarath

It’s been over a year since my last post, but today demanded it, because it’s not everyday you are present at the cremation of a great friend.

Exactly two weeks ago, I accidentally called him very early in the morning and probably woke him up, but unlike me – who would have been instantly annoyed and ready to open the verbal abuse-flood gates on whoever was calling – he just texted back asking if everything was okay and if he could help with anything.

Despite his background, businesses and success, Sarath stayed Sarath. Never pompous; always modest, ready to do some sincere good and trying his best to make the world a better place in whichever way he could. This was reflected in the way he did business, the personality of the ‘Coco Veranda’ brand he built and this is why we all loved Sarath.

Everyone who’s been to Coco before this year will fondly remember him strolling around in a shirt or T-shirt too baggy for him, smiling with anyone in sight and inquiring into how they were doing or if the food was good. He was always accessible, sitting in his office in the back and picking his brains for new ideas. Most times, I’d join in the brainstorm before even having a sip of the coffee brought to the table. There was no thing such as a ‘high horse’ in Sarath’s life. He was always open to suggestions and if they sounded good, would never think twice, and instead just give his 100%.

And 100% was what he gave to everything he did to make Coco the success that it is today. And in fact, Sarath was a brilliant example of excellent innovative entrepreneurship – how he used social media to establish Coco before ever thinking about other marketing mediums. TweetupSL wouldn’t be what it is today if it wasn’t for Sarath and his support – his commitment to take care of everyone he could.

This post can go on and on and on about the impact Sarath had, who he was and why we all loved him as a friend and brother. In short – he was an inspiration, both as a person and as an entrepreneur, someone you would get up in the middle of the night and rush for and who would do the same for you. I wish his daughter could have seen the great man her father was, but she’ll never be short of people telling her that. His religious belief summed him up perfectly; “Love all. Serve all.” Rest in Peace, Sarath Sathiamoorthy. Friend. Legend. Inspiration. Missed but never forgotten, and who the next TweetupSL is dedicated to.


Published by purpleboxers

I'm a, I don't want to say

17 thoughts on “In memory of Sarath

  1. Lasantha – this is well written and what can I say ? He was a complete human with all the good qualities tied up in one ball. We all have good and bad qualities but I can’t think of one bad quality Sarath had. We all can NEVER forget him. We need to do something for cancer hospital as that is what Sarath wishes. Not necessarily, we can even be an inspiration to Sarath by being a better person to others and ourselves from today! Lasantha – thank you for the chat at the cemetry as it sure feels better to just hang out and talk all the good in Sarath.

  2. I was not privileged to meet this great man in person, but have been a loyal fan of the restaurant always. Have been hearing a lot about him the last two days, and thought he has ” left a legacy” in the best form possible. My thoughts and prayers are with the family, it will be hard to come to terms with the loss, but you were touched by an angel who was on earth for a short visit.
    May he attain eternal peace.

    1. Never met him but as Thusitha says “left a legacy”, but huge fan of Coco and so impress of their progress……..May he Rest in Peace!

  3. Thank you Lasantha for putting this post…. I remember, after TweetupSL 3, I said that I’m going to ‘retire from TweetupSL’ from next year onwards because of my busy life. But yes… Let’s do it for him for another time…

  4. he would be greatly missed by everyone who knew him and everyone who missed knowing him… I wish I could meet another Sarath again!

  5. There are no words to say how sad we are or to console his family.
    I am lucky and privileged to have been part of his life

  6. Great personality, leaves a very strong impression around. I met him a couple of years before he started coco verandha, when a friend took us to his rose plantations, and from then on when ever we met I never failed to see his ever smiling face & Hello. The love and care for the plants and the flowers at Blooms was another passion he had , and never failed to deliver the best. The flowers he provided for my daughters wedding despite the shortage of flowers that season due to heavy rains were marvelous.

    We will miss you Sarath, but I am sure you are in a better place. A fantastic human being .May your soul rest in peace.

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