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Baseball is the most popular sport in the United States and is often called its national pastime. It’s a game played with a hard ball and bat between two teams of nine players each.

In a baseball game the two teams take turns at playing. Each of these turns is called an innings and there are nine innings to a game. They play starts when a player called the pitcher from one team throws a ball towards the batter, a player on the opposing team. A player called the catcher standing behind the batter tries to catch any balls which are not hit by the batter. If the batter strikes the ball, he runs around a series of bases before a player in the field can put him out. If he completes the full round he scores a home run.

The team that scores the most number of runs at the end of the nine innings are the winners.

There is a game in Sri Lanka, similar to baseball, it is called as ‘Elle’.

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