Made in Cheena

Doing some last minute Eid shopping two months ago it occurred to me that nearly everything in my shopping bags was made in China. From a tiny pin to a huge toy, a head shawl to a prayer mat, even an ear phone to a smart phone seems to be from China. Evidently the Chinese have been very busy. The number of cleverly made items that come coupled with very bad English (that leaves you confused as to what you just read) makes you wonder what the rest of the world is doing, Sri Lanka included.
Interestingly, these products seem to be characterized by some basic qualities. The first being its incredible cheapness, the second, the simple ingenuity of it and then of course the advertising of rather imaginative sentences that does the English language proud. This, I think is the Chinese form of colonization. They gradually creep into our private homes, seep into our lifestyle & slowly take over our country. It definitely wont be surprising if in some way they influence even the upcoming presidential elections.
Note that the whole of our beloved Galleface has been taken over by china leaving only the prawn vadais and the acharus untouched. Even our dear dusty pettah has been conquered by Chinese tags. The nelum pokuna, B.M.I.C.H, the Norocholai power plant is also from them. East, west, north, south……. These cheena kaarayos seems to be everywhere. And what is more hilarious is that even the ones who go abroad bring you back gifts that eventually carries the ‘Made in china’ tag, with the same bad English. As I mentioned before it makes one seriously wonder what the rest of the world are doing in the name of production? What are we Sri Lankans doing??

Even the United States is supposed to be in debt to china. And maybe the ISIS and the rest of those idiots who kill innocent citizens in a bid to take over the world can take a lesson or two from the Chinese. The Chinese have taken and are taking over the world little by little, right from our backyard even without us realizing it. Not a drop of blood though. That is the Chinese skill I would say. Next time you go shopping make it a game and try to find something that doesn’t have the obvious tag, ‘MADE IN CHEENA’.

1 Comment


    1. Made in Cheena | සතුටු වැස්ස බ්ලොග් කියවනය

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