On The Road: Israel & The West Bank

10 thoughts on “On The Road: Israel & The West Bank”

  1. Great coverage of your trip. The photos and descriptions of the wonderful made my mouth water! Your description of the political situation – clearly restrained – made my heart ache. Bless you, Skiz! Thank you for your coverage. Hope you get another trip soon. kh

  2. Thanks for the feedback, Kelly. Ayman kept telling us that his best time in Israel was when he went with you and rented a car. I’m sure you had a great time as well. My only regret this time was that we did not get to see Jerusalem.

  3. This actually reminds me of my trip to Israel too, although mine was before the current situation escalated. At a police checkpoint, a visiting Palestinian-American family was removed from our bus for what seemed like eternity while we all had to wait. Finally they let them back on, and the woman told me in accentless English “I guess some American passports are better than others.”
    I hope there a peaceful solution comes. Anyway, your blog and photos make my mouth water and now I am craving the interesting foods of the region again!

    1. Thanks for your comments, John, and thanks for checking out the blog. I don’t like to mix politics with food, but it’s kind of unavoidable in a situation like this. I also share your hopes for peace in the Middle East at this crucial time.

  4. Wow, I loved the video. What culture and delicious food! Though I have to admit, the kebab bit had me looking away (as a vegetarian). Love the music and narration as well. Thanks for sharing.

  5. It still seems that many Arabs in Israel enjoy more civil rights than their brothers and sisters e.g. on the West Bank. The whole conflict is an enigma an since politicians are always given a “backstage pass” they’ll never experience the plights that you have. Traveling 2014 means you visited during a “shmitta” year, i.e. in theory the fields should be lying idle every seventh years as per a Torah commandment. However, once again, Arabs and Christians figure in this equation where the land is sold formally to a non-Jew, then bought back after the year, all the while being tilled as normally. Cooperation can go so much further than enmity but humankind never seems to get it.

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