I know I am around my own people

or at the very least around South Asians, when you walk around an airport and hear conversations that couldn’t be from anywhere else.

Man gets on shuttle to airport. Kelinma gravitates towards closest white, youngish woman, hopefully with mid-thigh hemline. Stands very close or looms over her, and starts making her feel welcome in whatever place they are by making small talk:

“where do you want to go?”

“where do I want to go? Bahamas maybe”

“Bahamas? Which flight?”

“well, actually the flight to Bangladesh”

“Ah, you are from US?”


“Ah UN. You are alone?”

Or there is the other conversation, where the Cleaning Lady of the Airport Bathroom screeches not to put water on the floor. To thin air or so one thinks, until one sees Lady From Far Off Cubicle emerging with skirts held up, ignore more shrieks of ‘you washed your feet no?’ and walk off.

I don’t know about you, but it makes me feel like I’ve come home.

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