Obituary for Kalusudda, a Sri Lankan blogger

Kalusudda, an active, positive presence in the Sri Lankan blogosphere (2008-2009) has died in what appears to be a terrible mishap at sea. His wife has posted the sad news on his blog.

He died saving the life of his brother. Unaware that he was a father to be. I read his wife’s post with my infant son asleep on my shoulder. It made the tragedy of of his death seem utterly personal.

He was the only person I have known in a “purely digital” manner to have died. I “knew” Kalusudda only through his comments and posts in his blog. Both indicate a happy, intelligent, generous spirit with a very positive outlook on life. It made him stand out amidst the prettily vicious comment wars and blog fights of that era. His blog also brought an interesting perspective on blogging.

Most people currently active in the Sri Lankan blogosphere would not have heard of him – which is their loss. Yet the old farts like me can count themselves fortunate. His blog and digital presence went quiet just over four years ago. Yet he was the type whose absence could still be noticed 4 years later. Quite a feat in the Sri Lankan blogosphere. If you have any recollections, feel free to share them fittingly in the comment box below.

Yes, death is one of the few inevitables of life. It came too soon for Kalusudda. I feel world was robbed of the sort of positive spirit it desperately needs. Thankfully his positivity is alive in his son. For that we should be thankful. I hope that his family continues to heal. I’m sure you would feel the same.

We will continue to miss you man.

Thanks to Magerata for letting me know of the sad news

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