Monday 9 September 2013

IS it done, really? is it?

So I find myself free for the lack of a better word, maybe jobless, but I cant quite say that either, I do have a job, yet it leaves me with a clear schedule most of the time.

I finished my finals, all is done, and there is one presentation then all clear, well as long as I don’t have any resit, Blessed Moon, may I not have any resits, though I am not 100% confident in my first class marks, I know I have a damn good chance of passing.

Its been a melancholy couple of days, I need to find a better paying, better working job, and now that my degree is over I might have way more chances. Sometimes I wonder how people survive, with only saturdays and sundays free, I know I really miss all the free time I had before.

Now I have a crap load of books, anime and movies to catch up on, and not to mention the tv shows.

One of my oldest friends have come down from the UK, so was chatting with him and discovered, how much and how little we had changed. September seems to be the month for meet ups, I’ve got plans for this weekend and the next.

For some reason I feel like I lost something these days, I find myself wondering my room, or back tracking thinking, I know I forgot something, way too many times, I’m going to chalk it up to my mojo. Its all been used up with these past weeks of deadlines, exams and droughts of inspiration. SO I’ve got to build it up. Get some coffee or tea or just get some sun.

I need to go now,

so goodbye for now


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