Pride & Prejudice

Posted: August 16, 2013 in Uncategorized

Finally I finished watching Pride & Prejudice. Arrogance and pride melted in front of the love. Speaker of this movie, Elizabeth Bennet has done the best jutification to her role. Every one should agree with me this without any debate I hope. Without some reasons I delayed day by day to watch this movie and at the end I could watch it.

Bennet family is a modern family at that time in England. Mr. Bennet is a good and wise man and also a good father to a five beautiful daughters. Mrs. Bennet also is a good mother but she always thinks that these five girls will be a burden in future because she is worried as to how she finds life partners for these five ladies. As a mother it should be reasonable but the way she tries to do this is not fair I guess. From the beginning Elizabeth thinks that Mr. Darcy is arrogant and proud man and what the solider Wikham told her helped her to jump into that conclusion more and more. I also think that he is proud from the beginning and I changed my mind at the end of the film. Lydia runs away with Wikham. Jane & Elizabeth get good life partners. Mr. Collins, Lady Catherine, Caroline Bingley are some of the characters in this movie.

This film was released in 2005. Joe Wright is the director of this movie. Keira Knightley as Elizabeth, Rosamund Pike as Jane, Donald Sutherland as Mr. Bennet, Brenda Blethyn as Mrs. Bennet, Matthew Macfadyen as Mr. Darcy and Simon Woods as Mr. Bingly are some of the main roles in this movie.

Everyone can watch this movie hope it is more suitable for school children to watch this if they can watch this while reading the book Pride & Prejudice.

Pride & Prejudice

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