Saturday 16 March 2013


Its been like what almost 3 years since my last post? what the facukramadghvds anyways Lets see whats new with me:

1) I’m done with my HND currently waiting on my results, for those who do not know the    HND is equivalent to the first two years of a degree

2) I am now enrolled in a top-up BEng which is for one year and therefore I will be a degree holder by the time I’m 21 (internal yay)

3)I am also working at a construction site, I’m sort of an assistant supervisor I do say sort of since I’m still in my training period, and yeah I am getting paid, a tiny amount, but I’m still getting paid neh

4)hmm lemme see, so many things have happened and so many things I have done Open-mouthed smile also I have another kitten, Cleo

So yeah that’s been happening, its been a hard year so far. I have no free time to speak of. I work during the weekdays and on the weekends I have classes, all the way from 8.30 in the morning to 5.30 in the evening, And knowing me I hate not having free time, at all.

I do find the time to watch my weekly shows, well most of the time I do, I keep up with Supernatural, then with Psycho Pass and tamako market which are both animes, I’m still waiting to get some free time to finish watching magi and chihayafuru.


I did watch the hobbit which was awesome, at first I thought that all hobbits looked like Gimli, then I saw the Hobbit and was like THAT IS A HOBBIT? and this lead me to watch North and South, the period drama because Richard Armitage is HAWTNESSSS.



And Rise of the Guardians was motherlovin’ awesome and possibly one of my favourite cartoons EVAH, and Hotel Transylvannia was cute. I’m waiting to watch paranorm, epic (I think that’s what its called) then warm bodies, beautiful creatures and all that.

Personally, there’s been a lot going on in my lift, its not all a bed of roses, or a walk in the park, its hard and its even harder to keep at it. But for the sake of my sanity and for a promise I made to myself I will definitely keep going, even though there is a voice in the back of my head, whining at me to give up, to stay home and become a lump in front of my keyboard, I try to change, because I don’t want that. I want to be independent and free, to be able to make my own decisions and to take on any possible consequences that follow, I don’t want to be the girl who couldn’t take care of herself, because I can, and I will.

One more year and my studies are over, one more year that’s what I’m hoping to survive without going mad with the responsibilities of work and all the other mad things that follow in my life.

I have a dream of putting up a café, it is going to be marvellous, its going to have coffee, books and wifi, and maybe a large screen to watch movies or anime, a satge for random performers and all the cool things that follow, this is the dream I aim at, for some people their dream is their first million, for me this is my dream the crazy one that follows and the crazy one that needs to be fulfilled somehow.

Did I tell anyone about my adorabubble niece, she’s as fine as apple pie, 11 moths and cute as a bloody button, she headbangs to random music (I think that’s her version of dancing), she goes crazy over chocolate(shes banned from having it anymore), and she gets hypnotised when my sister starts singing that song “Little Peter Rabbit”. That kid is gonna be a handful Open-mouthed smile. and I love her to bits.

So that’s pretty much what I have so far, but I will definetley update sooner, as I have found this funky windows live writer, handy it is.

Till next time, Sayo


  1. YES! I love your idea for a cafe! I'm already picturing myself performing a comedic monologue on the stage and... if this happens I'm going to spend 90% of my free time in there! Fingers crossed! :D and your niece sounds lovely. Unfortunately my favourite niece has grown up while I've been here (but now she has a sister and she's still within the "adorable" age range, so I hope I'll get back in time to spoil her enough!)

    1. You will totally be EXPECTED to come there and on thursday evenings we will discuss 'The Universe: Today, tomorrow and maybe the day after that'
      And I sure hope you get to come home and spoil your nieces, I would miss mine like a left arm
