Friday 29 March 2013

Bus rides, almost suicides and the weekly round up

For those who have been with me and my blog for a while know that I prefer to take public transport as opposed to any other transport (just because I have a driving license doesn’t mean that I have to drive.) plus driving in Colombo streets during the busy hours are both stressful and annoying and I’d just get high blood pressure. Anyway, I ride the bus to work and back, my work site is actually close to where I live considering I had to take 3 buses to get to class and back when I was doing my degree full-time on week days, the distance is around 8 to 10 km, and around that time the busses are packed with both office workers and school kids desperate to get to school before 7.30 in the morning, since my shift normally starts at 7.30 I get on the bus by 7 and get to work by 7.20, except on Wednesdays and there is a safety meeting and I don’t want to get late, so these buses are often packed to the gills with people in ironed office clothes, ladies in make up, guys with expensive phones, school children in the usual white and neat hair, and when they get off they look like a used napkin with a million and one creases, sweat stains that are probably not your own and the usual morning irritation. These usual things don’t really annoy me to the point of actually giving a damn because I wear jeans and a shirt to work, and I get even dirtier there so, I don’t mind the crumpling, unless someone touches my hair, unless the bus driver conveniently forgets my change, I know that I should not be stingy for a few rupees but it is my right as a citizen of my country and as a faithful customer of public transport and I deserve the respect even if it is that 1 rupee that you forget Mr. Conductor . And then there is the chance of an increase in bus fare, next month, ugh.

I also have the bad habit of nearly getting hit by vehicles and then escaping death by the skin of my teeth, even though I look both ways and cross my brain and my legs are on a different frequency, by the time my brain says to wait a few minutes, well I have already crossed the road and in the process given a few drivers a few shocks and the saner part of my mind which hides behind all the clutter of day to day stupidity is quietly whimpering. I did get hit by a car once, more like bounced off its hood, and what I did was run like hell of the road and down the lane to campus, it wasn’t because I was scared of getting yelled at by the drivers and pedestrians It had more to do with me wanting to use the powder room and not missing my classes.

Well other than that my life has been ULTRA boring this week, except when I went and came back from my supervisor’s mother’s funeral which was 253 km – that was like 4 and a 1/2 hours there, and back, so 9 hours travel, and my back is hurting.

imageAnd no the map doesn’t show exact directions so yeah…

I need to get a truck load of stuff done, mostly my studies, then there are my own side projects art-wise and my super Birthday project which I’m working on for my niece (I hope to all that is holy that I can finish this on time)

Well currently other than that I can say anything other is more interesting, I’ve been listening to a lot of alternative recently, some weird rap stuff and who knows, these days I’m usually too tired to push the next button on my iPod and will listen to what ever is next of my playlist.


Oh yeah and here is like part of what makes my office a bit speshul, so mostly while I spend time on the construction site and in the workshop, my supervisor and I have a small office on top of the workshop, these critters in the tank are right infront of me, yeahh we have fish in the office, 16 to be precise.

Anyway I see that today is indeed the 29 and I remember having a post on Game of Thrones season 1 and going Gaga over it, now I cant wait for season 3.

Well I’m going to leave it at that and will report to my readers next week, Auf Wiedersehen

Imagine Dragons–Radioactive

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