Friday 2 August 2013

Commercializing Hate

I don't usually write quite seriously or on a topic of certain sensitive matter , if one could call it that.

Hate has become quite the fad nowadays, and surprisingly its catching. I was under the impression that the current generation was far more open minded and accepting of the whole view and not the keyhole view on important topics. The emergence of the hate groups, which are unbelievably racist and controversial have proved me wrong over and over again, and what astounds me is that the main supporters are not the older generation waiting to pull out their old grievances but the younger generation who have yet to see the impact that this might have a a mending nation.
For nearly thirty years our country was nearly torn into pieces by a war which at the last few years of its existence was a bloody massacre on both sides, the reasons unclear and now that it has finally been put down, why are people still so bloodthirsty for another war that could tear and bring down the tentative relationships between the people of our country.

While I may not be on top of each an every update of the various situations in the country, I sure do understand the basic gist of the whole she-bang. When One accuses, the other retaliates, this becomes a dangerous tennis game where one group will end up getting beaten up by the other and then the second group responds likewise, then after all the bloodshed and mayhem, what exactly will be left behind, other than strange brown stains in the middle of the road, a bad taste in society’s mouth and a dark spot in everyone’s mind. What I am trying to say is that while a party may say something that may be against your views and insulting, sometimes retaliating is not the answer, while we must always be up to the task of defending our honour and beliefs, the understanding of where the line is drawn and where it should not be crossed must be imprinted on everyone. While the saying ‘An eye for an eye’ could be used, it is also taken horribly out of context, because ‘An eye for an eye, will leave the whole world blind.’ And merely turning the other cheek will not work.

I may say this and try to explain why, from all you might hear the words, but who will listen, thus is how the wheel turns. There is invariably that part of our being, of our very makeup that will not listen that wishes to rebel and to fight till the end, even the most pacifistic person has a stubborn streak.

Human nature will not change, now or in the near future, for we are creatures of war and of survival, the large portions of our history are recorded through wars, the survival of wars or the events leading up to wars, though the past can not be changed and the future in indeterminable, we can at least try to reign ourselves in, and maybe be able to survive a few thousand years more without wiping ourselves out.

What particularly made me want to write this piece was that when wars end, people are left in a state of ‘jetlag’, a hangover of sorts, so like any other addict suffering withdrawal, there is an underlying need for strife, one man proposes a war-like cause and the others grab on to it like drowning men and go along with it.

With todays media, these are still being wide spread, with the social media sites such as facebook, twitter, blogger , these causes are being advertised, people are shamed for going against the directives and rules of this one group. What does this accomplish but more problems, maybe its just me, a girl behind a keyboard, maybe I’m not worth listening or even reading this post, but the thing is, there are people who look and people who see, people who talk, and people who say, people who hear and people who listen, what I am saying is , try to find which one you are, and where you fit into the whole cake mix.

With that said, I must leave,

farewell readers, M


  1. Its really good . Keep on writing ... :)

    ( please Remove the word verification )

    1. Thank you, I'm merely trying to put my thoughts to words
