Is two better than one??

Two is Better Than One – Tyler Ward (Boys like Girls Cover)

You came into my life and I thought
“Hey, you know, this could be something”

Forgive the blast from the past, but this song has been ringing in the back of mind these past few weeks, and lo’ whilst dusting out some old drafts that lay long forgotten in 2009, i found this title with just the lyrics of the song. And i’m a firm believer that there are no such things as coincidences.. so… lets discuss..

I’ve now spent close to a decade being single; being the one when two was expected. Is two better than one was never really a question because one was definitely no problem either for me.

I can’t really complain or whine about being single as I have really enjoyed my singleness. It allowed me to grow into my own identity and lifestyle unhindered by a significant other, as I was free to be me and go to college, and live my life without the distractions of a relationship and grow into who I am not fuelled by the make-up’s and break-up’s most of my generation find integral to their personal growth around my age group.

I had some terribly caring friends who tried to set me up (who took it very personally that I was single), even going as far as surprise blind dates (bless their souls). I just couldn’t.. and in some cases, I wouldn’t (It’s not me, it’s you). I did find myself attracted to certain people, even going out on a few dates of my own arranging.. but nothing really sparked my fancy. More often than not, as good an option they were, something was just not right. That fabled spark was not really there..

 I was open to the idea of two, but it seemed better that it was one for the moment, and I don’t regret it one bit. I mean, one wasn’t terribly bad. More spending money for Christmas and all year around when you go out. I just loved being one, and then, recently…. I met someone that made me go:

Well maybe two is better than one
There’s so much time, to figure out the rest of my life
And you’ve already got me coming undone

And I’m thinking two ‘is‘ better than one

22 thoughts on “Is two better than one??

  1. Being a Sri lankan guy in an almost identical situation (SJC 2003) I can empathize. Met someone and pretty much have become best friends, but the spark never happened. There goes the idea of two is better than one.

  2. It happens to me time and time again, that i either friendzone or get friendzoned.. this is the first time I went, hey… this could be something! 🙂 But your right, there goes the idea two is better than one… I felt the spark, but the sparks been diluted by the static of our individual lives…

    Thanks for the comment tho.

  3. I guess asking for an email address may be asking a bit too much, but I’d like a way to talk where my personal stuff doesn’t get blasted all over the net.

    • Don’t leave loopholes if you don’t want to be found out, heck I even found your other blog, the one that’s suddenly gone missing.

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