29 Awesome Things About Home (Rediscovered By The Student Abroad)

Posted: June 4, 2012 in Uncategorized

1. Dancing and singing in my own room.
2. There’s always plenty of food in the fridge for a midnight snack.
3. Shampoo or toothpaste is over? No problem, a new tube will magically reappear the next day.
4. Having a huge double-mattress to roll around on even though I really just use one-third of it.
5. Sexy intelligent Sri Lankan boys.
6. My green garden with the big trees.
7. Skipping through the railway tracks on Marine Drive from Bambalapitiya to Wellawatte.
8. Not too hot, not too cold, just right, weather.
9. Strolling down Galle Road on a weekday.
10. Swearing in Sinhala.
11. A quiet beach on a Monday evening.
12. Sharing a sofa with someone you’ve known for more than a decade.
13. A cup of tea and chicken sandwiches made by someone and waiting for you when you wake up.
14. Comically bad acting on local TV.
15. The paan-man’s truck song early morning.
16. Asking the shop guy for a phone reload in Tamil.
17. Getting a seat on a crowded 154.
18. Calling middle aged strangers Aunty and Uncle.
19. The smile of recognition from the neighbor you’ve had for years but have never talked to.
20. Unexpected rain.
21. Stopping at Cargills for iced Milo for 35 rupees.
22. The godayas leaning on the rails inside Majestic City.
23. Perera & Sons chocolate cake.
24. Standing with a friend inside a moving bus.
25. Complaining about the number of Maldiveans in Bamba.
26. The chilli in all my food.
27. It’s not weird to wear a brightly coloured kaftan.
28. Dismissing things with an ‘aney just go men’.
29. Crossing the road wherever, whenever, screw the yellow lines and steel fences.

  1. Natasha says:

    Now I miss home. 😦

  2. Milo has gone up by a whopping 2 rupees!

  3. Anjani says:


  4. greene says:

    oh yes. the sexy intelligent Sri Lankan boys.

  5. Frank Booth says:

    The list reminds me of someone. Someone one who’s crazy but not as much as me. Number 29, don’t do it in Kandy though. 750 rupee spot fine!

  6. jillinthebox90 says:

    Oh meh. So true. The nice looking boys part especially. Bangalore sucks ass too.

  7. Frank Booth says:

    @jillinthebox90 looking for “nice looking boys” in Bangalore? LOL!!! You might find a few who shit on the pavements!

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