Washing Machine Days

Just dropping by so that I dont permanently forget my wordpress password.

It feels like I’ve been spun in a washing machine these past few months.

In a good way though, with soap bubbles and all.

Most of the craziness I would attribute to work and related drama but still loving it all the same.

Why I havent been writing though is probably due to ‘digital fatigue’ as previously explained by Cerno.

These days I even prefer to leave my laptop in the car if I dont bring actual work home with me.

And unlike my old insomniac self who dawdled on the internets till the wee hours, this new Delilah is in bed by 10.30pm. Even on most weekends, much to the disgust of many a friend who try to understand what happened to the girl who kept everyone else awake all night.

See the thing is, I work out of Colombo and have to wake up at the crack of dawn to drive two hours to office in a sea of traffic. Then put in a full day off work and drive back for 2-3 hours. After spending nearly 5 hours on the road every single day I’m really too pooped for much else.

So the writing and socialising have both suffered obviously. Here’s apologizing for unreplied messages.

But I’ve been reading almost as much as usual and even have the audacity to occasionally be peeved when there arent enough new posts by other people on my favorite blogrolls.

Maybe I’ll stop whining and start writing again, soonish.

14 thoughts on “Washing Machine Days

  1. Good to see a post from you Delilah! Gosh it has indeed been a long time. Hope more will follow soon. Gosh five hours on the road is about time it takes to go to Yala 🙂

  2. I was wondering what happened to you, so assumed there is a baba in the picture or something after that bombshell of the husband in the last post!

  3. Two hours, is a long drive.

    I’m grumbling that, as of Monday, my commute DOUBLED from 2.5km to 5km AND is on a more crowded road 😉

    Good to have you back.

  4. Thanks Jack.
    But 5km? aaaaaaaaaarghhhh! Not fair. I have to do 2hrs on a route that is not only crowded but is crowded with countless container trucks.
    So yeah, do count your blessings my friend 🙂

  5. 🙂

    I was pampered. I would like to continue to be pampered….

    Anyway yours sound horrible. There are too many cars on the road anyway and no one knows the rules. I would not survive, your commute, I had a narrow escape today, was almost rammed by a car overtaking as I turned into the road.

    1. Oh. Hope it wasnt a black car 😉
      And yes even the cops are hazy on the rules. I got my very first ticket couple of months ago for ” ignoring police authority” or some crap.
      But I have to say they do a damn good job directing traffic flow on the route I take. Very well synchronized and minimizes jams.

  6. You’re baaaack! 😀

    *facepalm* about the 5 hour commute. 😦 But I know what you mean about digital fatigue. Gets to me too after 12 hours a day spent starting at computer screens in a depressing gray coloured library. 😛

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